Dharma Drum Mountain 法鼓山 English Dharma Class Bodhicitta and Buddha Nature Thursday November 10th, 2011
Master Ren-jun (仁俊法師) and Bhikkhu Bodhi Summary – where are we? Four Noble Truths Suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the Path Noble Eightfold Path Wisdom, ethics, meditation Three Refuges Buddha, Dharma, Sangha Two Vehicles Mahayana and Theravada Master Ren-jun (仁俊法師) and Bhikkhu Bodhi
What is our Purpose? What is the Buddha’s purpose for teaching the Dharma? Three Purposes Happiness in this life Happiness in a future life Liberation from suffering Lotus Sutra 法華經 Buddhahood Universal Buddhahood
Mahayana: Way of the Bodhisattva 菩薩 Two pillars: Wisdom Compassion One who cannot let go of himself lacks wisdom. One who cannot let go of others lacks compassion.
Four Essentials for Practice Faith Trust and confidence Understanding Study and Right View Practice Action in accord with the Dharma Realization Awakening Confirmation
Wisdom 般若 / 智慧 Prajna (Prajna-paramita) Insight into Emptiness 空 Non-self 無我, impermanence無常, and the Middle Way中道 無有及無無有 色不異空空不異色 Inter-dependence Dependent Co-arising 緣起 Cause and effect nothing is without a cause Non-substantiality Nothing is more one thing than another Freedom Liberation from limitations
Compassion 慈悲 The wish to help relieve the suffering of others We are not separate Three types (three sources) Taking other beings as the object of compassion Seeing their suffering Seeing the true nature (empty nature) of phenomenon Other’s happiness is our own Compassion without distinction 心佛眾生三無差別 There is no difference
Bodhicitta 菩提心 Practice of a Bodhisattva The Mind of Enlightenment 發無上心 Practice for the benefit of self and others Without the understanding of Emptiness 空…. a bodhisattva is not a Bodhisattva Universal liberation Before self-liberation Relative and Absolute Bodhicitta
Paramitas – the Perfections Something that helps to cross to the “other shore” Six Paramitas Giving 佈施 Dana Morality 持戒 Sila Patience 忍辱 Kshanti Effort 精進 Virya Meditation 禪定 Dhyana Wisdom 般若,智慧 Prajna Prajna-paramita Bodhisattva
Bodhisattva Vows 眾生無邊誓願度 煩惱無盡誓願斷 法門我量誓願學 佛道無上誓願乘 Four Great Vows 四弘誓願 Sentient beings are numberless, I vow to deliver them. Afflictions are endless, I vow to end them. Dharma gates are measureless, I vow to learn them. The Buddha’s Way is unsurpassed, I vow to attain it.
Buddha Nature 佛性 What is Buddha Nature? Something? Nothing? Buddha within Ability to awaken from the dream of ignorance and suffering Faith and cultivation Nourish our Buddha Nature
Chan Buddhism Dhyana Zen Bodhidharma Not relying on words Meditation 5th/6th century Not relying on words “wordless teaching” Letting go Chan 禪 Zen
Four Practices Bodhidharma - 菩提達摩 Accept karmic consequence All things have a cause Positive use of suffering Be in accord with conditions All-acceptance Adapting to conditions Practice without seeking Learn to let go of expectations Allow the practice to do the work Practice in accord with the Dharma Study, contemplate, practice