WELCOME Please help yourself to refreshments and: introduce yourself to the colleagues at your table fill out your Support Provider survey LAUSD BTSA Induction Program Fall Seminar 2011
Effective Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners LAUSD BTSA Induction Program Fall Seminar 2011
“Teaching is one of the most difficult jobs in the world.” Peggy Taylor Presley, October 7, 2011
Agenda Welcome/Norms/Outcomes Connector Introduction to: – Teaching & Learning Framework Induction Standard 5: Pedagogy – Continuum of Teaching Practice Introduction to Council – Joe Provisor, LAUSD Council Practitioners Center Council Breakout Groups – Alignment to Induction Standard 6: English Language Learner Next Steps Wrap-Up/Evaluation
Collaborative Norms Equity of Voice Active Listening Respect for All Perspectives Safety and Confidentiality
Outcomes Participants will… Access resources to support instruction for English Language Learners Identify classroom practices and shared strategies currently being used to support ELLs through collaboration with colleagues Receive advice and assistance on next steps for successfully completing the BTSA Induction Clear Credential program
Connector Write a total of three strategies or actions which can be used to promote learning by EL students Fold your paper into a paper airplane and launch it across the room Pick up a different airplane and add three different strategies on your new airplane Repeat the cycle by launching this “new” airplane
California Standards for the Teaching Profession BTSA Induction Standards Teaching and Learning Framework Standards
INTEGRATING STANDARDS in INDUCTION California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) 1.Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning 2.Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning 3.Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning 4.Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students 5.Assessing Students for Learning 6.Developing as a Professional Educator Induction Standards 5 and 6 Effective Teaching Standard 5: Pedagogy Standard 6: Universal Access: Equity for All Students Teaching English Learners Teaching Special Populations
Comparing Language CSTP 3.4 & 3.5: Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning Teaching & Learning Framework 3c: Structures to Engage Students in Learning Induction Standard 5: Pedagogy
Standards, Standards Look at the excerpts from the three sets of standards Compare what they are asking you to do Write 2-4 bullet points— – what are the main concepts? – what are they asking you to do?
Continuum of Teaching Practice/CSTP Assessing Your Practice on a Continuum Citing evidence Showing Growth over Time Essential CSTP Elements
Council Mission Statement “The Los Angeles Unified School District’s Council Practitioners Center (LAUSD CPC) aims to promote the inclusion of council, a human relations practice of authentic expression and empathic, non-judgmental listening, into mainstream school curricula, instructional strategies, support services, and school communities. To implement this mission we train and support school staff to integrate council into classroom and counseling practice, as well as, faculty, parent, and community meetings.”
Intentions for Council Listen from the heart: suspend reactions, judgments, and preconceptions Speak from the heart (to the degree that you can trust in the moment) and with care and consideration for others in the circle Speak spontaneously and only when you have the talking piece; let go of planning Speak leanly: get to the heart of the matter with an awareness of time and the size of the circle
Council Groups Please identify the dot color on your packet Proceed to the room indicated below: –ROOM 202-ROOM 204 (here) Yellow* Pink Blue* Brown –ROOM 203* Purple Green Red
Are You ON Track? Following the orientation I have: Assembled my portfolio and started gathering data for Tab 2 Registered with the State ( Deadline= Dec. 1, 2011www.btsa.ca.gov Printed out my attendance verification from orientation Been assigned a Support Provider ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Post Fall Seminar Action Plan Register for Mid-Year Advisement Remind Support Provider to confirm eligibility Attend FACT Work Session(s) (if unassigned to Support Provider or desire additional support) Complete TAB 2 ( ) by Dec. 2, 2011
Wrap-Up Questions?? Resources Evaluation LAUSD BTSA Induction Program Fall Seminar 2011
Evaluation Session Title: Fall Seminar –Session Date: October 13, 2011 –Program: BTSA –Level: Elementary or Secondary –Bubble only no checks or circles LAUSD BTSA Induction Program Fall Seminar 2011