Tecumseh and Mistreatment of Native Americans “Will we let ourselves be destroyed in our turn without a struggle, give up our homes, our country bequeathed to us by the Great Spirit, the graves of our dead and everything that is dear to us? I know you will cry with me, "NEVER! NEVER!” - Tecumseh
Indians and Europeans In 1618–1619, smallpox wiped out 90% of the Massachusetts Bay Native Americans. 2 Native American societies and culture became strained with the death of Indians due to epidemics such as small pox.
Indians and Europeans Europeans came to America and saw Native Americans as just another source as slaves and workers. 1 They where used to cultivate rice, indigo, and tobacco.
Indians and Americans Tecumseh was one of the few tribe leaders that resisted, and he lead a multi-tribal army in resistance to Americans.
Tecumseh Tecumseh traveled to different tribes collecting members for a small army he led against the government.
Tecumseh He was chief of a the Shawnee tribe, his name meant “shooting star”. In 1811 the comet C/1811 F1 passed earth, the Native Americans took this as a sign of the gods empowering Tecumseh
War of 1812 and The Trail of Tears
Indian Removal Act The government forced the “five civilized tribes” to land in the east. 3 The land originally given to the Indians was given back to the settlers, for mining and farming. Native Americans where encouraged to become more like white settlers and where given allotments of land to farm on.
Citations 1.Seyburt, Tony. "Slavery in America". New York Life. 10/19/09. 2.Kaplow, David. "Smallpox: Chapter One". University of California Press. 10/19/09. 3.Seyburt, Tony. "Slavery In America". New York Life. 10/16/09.