° The apartheid When did the British arrive to South Africa? - Dutch – French – British - German How many pourcent of South african didn’t have political rights ? 3 on 4 – 2 on 4 – 1 on 4 - everybody When did whites begin to introduce segregations laws ? –
Where did blacks go to resist to segregations’s laws ? – France – U-K – School – missionary school In 1946 what did the police to the blacks who were on strike in mines ? – they forced them to work – they put them in jail – they fired them – they whipped them In 1950 How many catégories there were in the population registration ? – 1 – 2 – Was marriage between « races » allowed ? – Yes –No – Yes between coloured and black – Yes between black and white In 1951, what did whites decide ? – to abolished apartheid – to separate south africa into 2 worlds – to seperate south africa into 3 worlds - Nothing What was the condition for blacks to enter in whites’s world ? – to work for a white – to have white family –to have a pass – to be nice
What did the ANC was create ? – 1900 – 1940 – How can you qualify the government in 1993 ? -transitional – good – necessary - useless For what party did people start to vote in 1994 ? - For apartheid – without opinion – for ANC So who was elated president ? _ De klerc – Desmond TuTu – Mandela – a white Can you named the act which was written in 1953 ? – Bantu act – no name – Mabu act – Malabu act What was the difference between black education and white education ? – curriculum – schools – equipment - teachers