The Academic Technology Pyramid Common Solutions Group October 4, 1999 Philip Long Academic Media & Technology
Research Innovation New Tech New Pedagogy Use by Individuals High investment Development, Generalization Dissemination State of the Practice Technology & Pedagogy Wide Use and Reuse Ease of use, scalable cost Infrastructure, Production Services Ubiquitous enabling technology student & campus network, teleconferencing, faculty machines, clusters, student & faculty support, classrooms, file & web service, media capture & digitization, etc. pel, 99/2/28 Unit Costs Participation Technology Maturation
Yale Technology Units Development, Generalization, Dissemination McDougal, WAT ACS Instructional (Classes, more) Engineering IT, Prof Schools’ “ACS” BMC, CLS, DMCA, FSC, Library, RIS, Statlab Infrastructure, Production Services ITS: campus network, student networks, PPP, etc. Prof Schools’ “ACS, ACS Instructional (clusters, etc.) AV photo, video, classroom; Classroom Committee, LL, FSC, etc Biomedical Communications, ITS RIS, etc., Video Studio. Institutional Coordination Visibility, communication, collaboration pel, 99/2/28 CMI Research, Innovation CAIM, CLS, DMCA ACS Instructional Individuals Permeable Boundaries
ITG ITS, AM&T Production Services pel, 99/10/4 CLSDMCAMacDougal Many Centers of Innovation A Common Infrastructure