PUPPY WEIGHED AT THE CLINIC BEFORE DEWORMING This puppy at the age of 10 weeks came to the clinic for hi s first shot of vaccination and was being weighed at the clinic to calculate the dose of the deworming tablet.
CAT CASTRATION This cat was castrated and this picture was taken while he was playing the next day after the surgery.
ROUTINE FLANK SPAY IN A DOG Animal birth control being carried out in females.
POST OPERATIVE CARE AT THE CLINIC This young dog brought from the library for animal birth control, was covered in blankets to avoid hypothermia and thus leading to quick recovery.
MAGGOT WOUND DOG BEING TREATED This dog was brought in to the clinic by some volunteers, so that a maggot wound at the rump of the dog could be treated.
MAMMARY TUMOUR IN A DOG This picture shows the mammary tumour in the dog for examination.
DOG AFTER MAMMARY TUMOUR SURGERY This was the dog that was operated for mammary tumour with success.
BUMBLE FOOT IN A HEN The black is the bumble seen on the swollen foot of the hen.
DOGS ENJOYING THEIR STAY AT THE CLINIC The white dog had demodex and now he has recovered,was seen playing with a young pup who had a heavy worm load and now is seen actively playing.