*Her name has been changed as a protection of privacy.


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Presentation transcript:

*Her name has been changed as a protection of privacy

The trouble is, neither Charity nor her organization have the resources to give out Bibles. The trouble is, neither Charity nor her organization have the resources to give out Bibles. Her friend asks week after week, begging for a Bible, but each time she must tell him no.

This man is not the only person who has asked her for a Bible. She desperately wants to be able to give one to whoever asks, but as a single woman, she can barely afford her own expenses.

In another part of Uganda, there is a certain pastor of a small Anglican church. In another part of Uganda, there is a certain pastor of a small Anglican church. Both of his feet are deformed from a disease he contracted as a child. His walk is stilted, but his smile is wide and his heart is full of praises to his Jesus. His walk is stilted, but his smile is wide and his heart is full of praises to his Jesus.

This pastor labors in a difficult part of the country – where witch doctors are common and demon possession is a reality. This pastor labors in a difficult part of the country – where witch doctors are common and demon possession is a reality. His work takes him to the surrounding villages where he prays for physical healing and spiritual restoration.

This man struggles to walk, but his faith is strong enough to cast out demons in the name of Christ. He is humbly asking for Bibles to share with his congregation.

but simplybut simplycannot afford a Bible.afford a Bible.

Uganda Bible MinistryUganda Bible Ministry