Technology Page 2 TIME LINE – Technology Development In the boxes below stick in images of mobile phones to show the development of the product over time. Evaluation : Date:
Technology Function of a mobile phone PROJECT OUTLINE SITUATION You have been approached by a well known phone retailer to design a new cutting edge mobile phone aimed at the teenage market. BRIEF As a designer it is your task to design and model a new idea for a mobile phone. The design must be unique and suitable for the current market. ANALYSIS – MIND MAPPING Create a mind map of all the functions you think a mobile phone Should have. Date: Page 3
Technology Product Analysis – Part 1 Product Analysis Department of Technology Lord Grey school Manufactured ProductName of Product: Function/Application: Intended Market: Materials: Constituent Parts Part No. Description of part MaterialManufacturing Process/Method of Construction Page 4 Date:
Technology Product Analysis – Part 2 The design is successful/unsuccessful: Student response: Level Effort Level: Effort: Date: The quality of the manufacturing process is of a high/medium/low standard: Economic issues:Moral issues: Ergonomics: Environmental Issues: Page 5 Date:
Technology Page 7 ANLAYSIS OF PACKAGING – MIND MAPPING From looking at examples of phone packaging what have you learnt? complete the following mind maps to show your understanding of packaging. Information needed on packaging Materials and Properties Appearance/Style Date: Evaluation :
Technology SPECIFICATION – Packaging A specification gives us guidance as to what we are expecting when the item will be finished. It is normally based on our research and general knowledge. It is a list that once produced, we must stick to. We will return it at the end of our project. Brainstorm some of the topics and issues that will need to be covered in your specification Topic/ issue What? (does it need to do) Why? (does it need to do this) 1 2 Specification Target audience: Who is it aimed at? Page 8 Date:
Technology Student response: Level Effort Page 9 Date:
Technology Page 10 TESTING– Net Designs In the boxes below stick in two examples of test nets you have created that would be suitable for mobile phone packaging. Date: Evaluation:
Technology Page 11 DESIGN IDEAS - Logo In the boxes below sketch out four possible designs for a logo for you mobile phone company. IDEA 1 IDEA 2 IDEA 3 IDEA 4 Peer assessment : Evaluation: Date:
Technology Page 12 LOGO FINAL DESIGN In the space below draw and colour your final logo design. Then stick in your computer drawing of your logo and evaluate. Final design: Computer generated final idea : Date: Student response: Level Effort Date: Evaluation:
Technology Page 13 SIGNS AND SYMBOLS - Packaging Date:
Technology Page 14 DESIGN IDEA FOR PACKAGING-LAYOUT AND TEXT In the space below sketch out a net design for the packaging of your 3D printed mobile phone. Remember to consider who the Intended Market is, what information and symbols needed to be included and how the box will fold. Date:
Technology Page 15 Booklet Presentation/Written work Tick the statement that you feel you have achieved ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryPoorVery poor Booklet Presentation/Graphic skills Tick the statement that you feel you have achieved ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryPoorVery poor In the space below write a short statement explaining what you think you need to do to improve your presentation: Practical Outcome Tick the statement that you feel you have achieved ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryPoorVery poor In the space below write a short statement explaining what you think you need to do to improve this aspect of your project: Interim Self Assessment/Progress Sheet
Technology START FINISH Page 16 Date:
Technology Page 17 INITAL DESIGN OF PACKAGING-COMPUTER DRAWING In the box below stick in your initial computer generated packaging design. Date: Peer assessment : Evaluation: Date:
Technology Page 18 FINAL DESIGN OF PACKAGING-COMPUTER DRAWING In the box below attach a copy of your complete computer generated final design. Date:
Technology Page 19 Student response: Level Effort Date: Evaluation from model: TEST NET Before creating a final product it is important to model and test the idea. In the space below attach a test net of your computer generated packaging idea. Date:
Technology Page 20 FINAL INSTRUCTIONS / MANUAL – Mobile Phone In the space below attach your computer generated instructions for your mobile phone. Remember to use your research when considering what information people may need to know about the product and different ways you can communicate to the user. Date:
Technology Page 21 Student response: Level Effort FINAL PRODUCT – Packaging and instructions In the space below attach photo s of your final packaging and instructions. Date:
Technology Evaluation Answer the following questions to complete your final evaluation 1. Does your final product meet all the criteria of the specification you produced? 2. What are you particularly pleased with in the manufacture of your product? 3. What did you find most difficult in the manufacture of your product? 4. How do you think your final product compares to existing products already on the market? 5. How could you improve your product? Student response: Level Effort Page 22 Date:
Technology Product Analysis – Part 1 HOMEWORK Product analysis Department ofTechnology Lord Grey school Manufactured ProductName of Product: Function/Application: Intended Market: How the product works including any scientific principles: Constituent Parts Part No. Description of part MaterialManufacturing Process/Method of Construction Page 23 Date:
Technology Product Analysis – part 2 The design is successful/unsuccessful: The quality of the manufacturing process is of a high/medium/low standard: Economic issues:Moral issues: Ergonomics: Environmental Issues: Page 24
Technology Page 25 HOMEWORK – 3D printing Fill the box with images of products that have been 3D printed. Date: 3D printing is: Examples of products that are 3D are: The advantages of 3D printing are: The disadvantages of 3D printing are:
Technology Page 26 HOMEWORK– ICONIC DESIGNERS Create a information page on an iconic designer of your choice. Include images of products that they have made, back ground information on the designer and the product and any other important facts you can find. IMAGES : Details about the designer and their products: Date:
Technology Page 27 HOMEWORK- Logos In the box below stick in as many logos as you cant, this will help you when you are designing your own logo later in the project. I MAGES : Date:
Technology Page 28 HOMEWORK– SIGNS AND SYMBOLS Date: Using the internet and books research what these signs and symbols mean.
Technology Page 29 HOMEWORK – Instructions In the space below create a rough plan of the instructions that will in the box of the mobile phone you have designed. Date:
Page Resistant Materials HOMEWORK - Storyboard Date:
Technology Page 31 HOMEWORK – Promotion In the space below design a poster promoting the sale of your mobile phone holder. Remember to keep it bold and brightly coloured. It is also important to demonstrate the fact that it lights up. Date:
Teacher Assessment/Target Record TopicEnd Level Teacher Class Work Behaviour Homework Student Assessment/Target Record Class Work Behaviour Homework End Level Justification Peer Assessment/Target Record Class Work Behaviour
Lord Grey School Creative Technologies YEAR 8 WORK BOOKLET PRODUCT DESIGN (A) MOBILE PHONE PACKAGING Name: Tutor Group:Technology Class: Working at Grade: (This is your grade at the start of the term) Target Grade: (This is your end of course MTG)