Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, November 24, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, November 24, 2013

Prov 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 11 Outline Business dealings related to: Vs. 1-8, Integrity. Vs. 9-14, Speech. Vs , Wisdom. Vs , Giving. Vs , Motivation. Proverbs 11 Outline Business dealings related to: Vs. 1-8, Integrity. Vs. 9-14, Speech. Vs , Wisdom. Vs , Giving. Vs , Motivation.

Prov 11:30 The Doctrine of the Tree of Life.

“Tree of Life”, ETS CHAYYIM - חַיִּים עֵץ XULON ZOE ξ ύ λον ζω ή used 11 times in scripture.

In Gen 2:9, this tree was “pleasing” and “good”, things that typically bring happiness to the one partaking of it.

This tells us that the Tree of Life was for the total happiness of man.

Man was designed for happiness, blessing, capacity, and pleasure unless he went negative to God’s Plan.

The Tree of Life was God’s grace provision for man as the ruler of this world to be happy.

It was also man’s expression of positive volition to God’s provision, Gen 2:16, as long as he kept eating from it.

Man was cut off from the Tree of Life (God’s happiness) because of his negative volition towards God’s Word, Gen 3:6.

Gen 3:22-24, with sin now in man, perfect happiness was cut off because it can not co-exist with sin.

Remaining in the garden with a sin nature, man would have been immortal with unhappiness.

After the fall, the purpose for the creation of man could only be perpetuated by cutting him off from the Tree of Life and providing a new tree.

The new tree was the Cross of Jesus Christ, the Tree of Eternal Life. Cf. Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Gal 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24.

When anyone believes in Jesus Christ as their Savior, God the Holy Spirit creates in them a perfect environment called the Human Spirit where God’s happiness can reside once again.

In the eternal state we will once again have the privilege of eating from “The” Tree of Life in the Garden of God, Rev 2:7, 22:2, 14, 19.

There, having no sin, Rev 21:4, perfect environment and happiness can co-exist for all of eternity.

“Tree of Life” in Proverbs is used metaphorically for happiness in the life of the mature believer.

Prov 3:18, “She (wisdom-Bible Doctrine) is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who hold her fast.”

God’s Word in the soul of the believer allows him to share in God’s perfect happiness, +H.

Knowledge of Bible doctrine is the only true happiness (+H) available to the believer after salvation.

Prov 11:30

Prov 11:30 When we apply God’s Word to our business transactions, we will be a blessing to others leading them to the Tree of Eternal Life, and capacity for +H in time.

Prov 13:12

Prov 13:12 When God is able to bless us in time and satisfy the desires of our heart, it causes us to be healthy and happy, sharing the +H of God.

Prov 15:4

Prov 15:4 Wisdom (Bible Doctrine) displayed in your speech has healing power in relationships that brings God’s +H to the relationship you are in.

As we take in and apply God’s Word on a consistent basis, growing to spiritual maturity, we become a tree of life to those in our family, neighborhood, business, school, community, state and nation, Mat 13:32.

Mat 13:32, “And this is smaller than all other seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” Cf. Mark 4:32; Luke 13:19.

Grace Offering Prov 3:9-10, “Honor the LORD from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; 10 So your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

Grace Fellowship Church Sunday November 24, 2013 Tape # Proverbs Chapter 11 Principles of Righteousness in Business, Motivation, Part 3 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday November 24, 2013 Tape # Proverbs Chapter 11 Principles of Righteousness in Business, Motivation, Part 3 Prov 11:27-31; 3:18; 13:12; 15:4; Gen 2:9; 3:22-24; Rev 2:7; 22:2, 14, 19, Mat 13:32 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013