MICE VC MOM Report, 25 th February 2010 Terry Hart (MOM) - Decay Solenoid - Targets - DAQ - Machine Physics and User Runs - Suggestions
Decay Solenoid (DS) Large concentrations of N 2 impurities in DS coldbox He after Linde service work – Service work probably not contributor to impurities – However, Linde incorrect evaluation that He o.k. caused confusion Looked for coldbox leak – Leak found in coldbox regulator Regulator designed to seal with internal pressure, not at vacuum Leak unlikely when refilled with He This is o.k. Likely cause: leaks in Swagelok joints which have been tightened He cleaning underway, now at about 15 ppm impurities Cooling can start when < 10 ppm (hopefully start by weekend) Having own gas analyzer would have been helpful and time saving (measure H 2 O, N 2 ) 25 Feb, 20102
Target 2 Target 2 in R78 – Stopped after small, but noticable deviations from nominal position noticed (next 2 slides) – Dismantled and to be examined for Direction w.r.t. stator of wear for each bearing Systematic off-axis force due to coil quality or misalignment – Achieved over 2,160,000 actuations – Non-metallic dust evident Though to be from anti-rotation flat Next shaft to have flat surface polished Harder bearing material to be tried Dust appears to be well-contained – David Findlay invited to view as-stripped components 25 Feb, 20103
4 Target 3 – Parts being made now, but might need to incorporate rotary table later – Enough parts ready for 2 more identical targets – Field mapping of stator to start next week – Results of analysis of Target 2 will determine construction plan schedule
25 Feb, 2010 Feb. 10 T2 Acceleration and Position Left: acceleration vs. time Right: position vs. Time – ‘BCD’ is Beam Center Distance 5
Feb. 21 T2 Acceleration and Position Left: acceleration vs. time Right: position vs. Time – About 0.4 mm drop over 11 days 25 Feb, 20106
DAQ Electronics documentation being written DAQ cabling simplified before Machine Physics – New detector calibrations needed and done Software configuration of software repository done Will finish OS and DATE upgrades of DAQ PC – DATE: DAQ software framework Time permitting, make DATE status available on EPICS – EPICS = Experiment Physics and Industrial Control System 25 Feb, 20107
8 Feb. 5 Machine Physics Turn everything on and see if it works – Neutron monitor process variables not connected (fixed on Feb. 18) – Webcams needed to be reset – ISIS had problems with a klixon – BPM-UY had set value of 1 V, reset to 2350 V – Target verification run attempted Target stopped repeatedly After full shutdown and restart, target stopped again Re-restart failed and run stopped Analysis of target position and acceleration showed no problems Problem traced to signal to pulse trigger being just below threshold; signal quality cleaned up
25 Feb, Commission luminosity monitors (LM) in ISIS vault – Replacement of broken PMT successful – 24 V line of NIM crate failed; new NIM crate installed – Installation difficult Old crate hardwired to distribution box Cable rerouting necessary to reach top of crate – Set LM discriminator levels to 500 mV – Q8 power supply repeatedly tripped due to faulty water flow meter Q7, Q8, Q9 turned off after consultation with Marco Flow meter replaced and Q7, Q8, Q9 back on for Feb. 12 – Set LM data integration gate to 5 ms – Scan over beam losses 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000 mV Almost 2000 pulses total – Checked 3.32 ms integration gate (same as DAQ), negligible data difference – More about LM in Paul’s talk Feb. 7 Machine Physics
25 Feb, Feb. 7 Machine Physics – A couple of ongoing issues Number of hits in Large BPM X plane about 10% number of hits in Large BPM Y plane Cable rerouting necessary
25 Feb, Feb. 10 TOF/KL Calibration With – Particles (more from Yordan’s talk) Negative particle data at 2V beam loss – Activation study – Dean Adams said initial results good, and full report coming – Data Sets 300 MeV/c e + with TOF0 trigger (calibrate KL, TOF2) 300 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (calibrate KL, nominal trigger) 250 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) 200 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) 300 MeV/c π + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – Beam spread out to cover outer TOF counters by lowing Q7-Q8-Q9 currents – TOF1_62 not on after repeated trips Later discovered to have had voltage set to 3000 V Reset correctly for Feb. 12 run
25 Feb, Feb. 12 TOF/KL Calibration With + Particles (more from Yordan’s talk) Positive particle data at 1V beam loss – Data Sets 300 MeV/c e + with TOF0 trigger (calibrate KL, TOF2) 300 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (calibrate KL, nominal trigger) 250 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) 200 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) 300 MeV/c π + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – Beam spread out to cover outer TOF counters by reducing Q7-Q8-Q9 currents
Feb. 18 MICE User Run Data sample for online reconstruction tests – 300 MeV/c π + with TOF1 trigger – Online Monitoring moved from DAQ machine Online Reconstruction computer to reduce burden on DAQ machine – Successful test of online monitoring of live data from new location – Online monitoring reference plots, documentation being developed by Linda and Vassil Run (supposed to be easy) had problems which were solved – Remote neutron monitor wasn’t working Resolved by Linda, Pierrick, and James – TOF and KL voltages somehow got reset to low nominal setting (1141 V) Reset manually Need to keep and eye on voltage and determine what can change settings – ISIS changed timing from 40 Hz to 50 Hz which affected our target timing Timing worked out by Linda and Craig, but need more communication with ISIS – Q4 power supply water flow meter tripped repeatedly, eventually turned off This one will be replaced this week and tested at full current New meters ordered 25 Feb,
User Run Plans for March March 1 – Short run to check that everything runs well with new personnel and updates to DAQ and online monitoring – Alain suggests doing short runs like this once per week Once Decay Solenoid is on – Check and complete (emittance, momentum) matrix – Measure particle production vs. beam loss for different particle species – Proton absorber studies – … 25 Feb,
Suggestions (1 of 2) Specify list of plots to check and how often to check – First order check: Make sure detectors are on and at correct voltage – Higher order check: Make sure distributions are o.k. – Online monitoring plots are being worked on For calibration runs, suggest that detector experts submit form to MOM specifying – Purpose of calibration – Necessary particle rate for channels of interest that shift crew can check with online monitoring Scheduled weekly short run – Make sure everything still works with ongoing development – Make sure new procedures are correct and followed – Alain’s idea Follow up on BPM rate discrepancy between Large X plane and Large Y plane – Voltages checked o.k. – Anything else to check? 25 Feb,
25 Feb, Suggestions (2 of 2) Follow up on new measurement of integrated beam loss which doesn’t seem to work below around 200 mV –Adam Dobbs working on this List possible ISIS timing modes and work out MICE target settings for each mode – I talked to Dean Adams about that, and he said that was already worked out with Paul Kyberd. Develop list of magnet currents for particle type and purpose of run –For instance, I found out from Linda that for calibration runs, Q7-Q8-Q9 currents are reduced to spread out beam to hit outer TOF detectors –This could prevent overreliance of ‘magic spreadsheet’ in micewinvis in MLCR Make sure ordered magnet power supply water flow meters and software installed.
25 Feb, Many thanks to Paul Smith, Paul Soler, Willie Spensley, Pierrick Hanlet, Adam Dobbs, Linda Coney, Yordan Karadzhov, Maurizio Bonesini, Mariyan Bogomilov, Vassil Verguilov, Henry Nebrensky, Galina Vankova, James Leaver, Jean-Sébastien Graulich, Dean Adams, Matt Hills, Craig MacWaters, Mike Courthold, Marco Apollonio, Alain Blondel, Ken Long, Paul Hodgson, the ISIS operators,...