“Little Kids; Big Kids” 1 John 3:1-3 June 7, 2009
I. Who we are We are called children of God. – He has lavished his great love on us. – Children of God is what we are. What we will become has not been made known. – When Jesus comes, we shall be like Him. – We have this hope to see Him.
II. What is expected of us. We are expected to KNOW Jesus. – The Bible tells us about who Jesus is. – We are responsible to learn about Him. We can learn in Church We can learn in Power Zone We can learn in Sunday School We can learn in Genesis Cadets We can learn at home We can learn through nature itself
II. What is expected of us. We are expected to GROW in our relationship with Jesus. – Plants grow because of sunlight and water. – We grow as we stay close to Jesus. He is the “SON” The Bible is like food to us spiritually
II. What is expected of us. We are expected to GO for Him. – We are to tell others about Jesus. – We are to go where others are in order to tell them. Across the playground Going to another location Going to school or work Maybe going to another country
II. What is expected of us. We are expected to GLOW because of Him. – We are to let our light shine for Him. – We are to shine like stars in the universe. By not complaining or arguing By being blameless and pure
Conclusion Who we are: KIDS (Children of God) What is expected of us: – KNOW – GROW – GO – GLOW