National Programme for Information Technology The Secondary Uses Service Jeremy Thorp Director of Business Requirements Technology Office
Objectives of SUS Improve access to data to support the business requirements of the NHS and its stakeholders Provide a range of software tools and functionality which enable users to analyse report and present this data Be the single, authoritative and comprehensive source of high quality data to -enable linkage of data across all care settings -ensure the consistent derivation of data items and construction of indicators for analysis -improve the timeliness of data for analysis purposes Provide a secure environment which enables patient confidentiality to be maintained according to national standards
What it does SUS acts as the central data hub for the NHS Fed by a range of standard / official data flows generated by local and national operational processes Provides centralised validation and cleaning functions One version of the “truth” for use in multiple down-stream business processes e.g. Payment by Results and Practice Based Commissioning
Data Sources Data ManagementPresentation datamartswill be provided to enable users to access tailored views of information which will already have been pre- processed–these may be logical or physical information provided to users will be pseudonymised according to processes and guidelines to be agreed in addition to storage of submitted data, there will also be storage of a number of“derived” fields, e.g. age, ward code all data will be held in a“secure database”, but no users will have direct access to this database initially, SUS will be fed by specific datasets although it is intended that SUS will be populated by operational event messages validation of data will be performed before loading into SUS to ensure, as far as possible, good quality data is received data changes will only be made at source and not in the data warehouse Design Principles
Rich Content Patient - demographics Admissions Discharges Episodes and Spells Clinical Health Resource Groups Organisation Geographical Practitioner Augmented/critical care Maternity
16+ Terabytes of data in SUS > £30 billion of PbR transactions processed 700+ million Activity records submitted to SUS Over 1 million records entering SUS each day Over 90,000 managed service extract reports produced from SUS Over 12,000 user-defined extracts produced Over 1500 users registered Currently over 320 organisations submitting data Some Statistics
Who can access SUS data and SUS applications? Directly NHS organisations via the Spine portal In-directly Non-NHS organisations via the proposed SUS Extract Service
Current Developments Release 1 for PBR 07/08 and data for PBC comparators (April 2007) – completed NHS Comparator data (April and September) – completed Release 2 giving non-functional upgrade to Oracle 10g and uplift for more users – completed Release 3L providing “landing” capability for cds v6, plus loads from PDS and Choose and Book – December 07 Release 3R providing processing and reporting for 18 weeks and further reporting for CAB and PDS – April 08
Further developments of 18 week waits Payment by results Commissioning Demographics, e.g cohort management Research and Development Public Health Reporting work with Local Service Providers Future Directions
NHS comparators
Future releases planned in January and April 2008 to cover 18 week reporting Further comparators for practice-based commissioning
For Further Information systemsandservices/sus Contact