Srta. Custis
Un poco sobre su maestra… Graduated from Salisbury University with 2 undergrad degrees: Spanish Communication Graduated from Salisbury University with Masters in Education Teach College and High School Spanish Play soccer Love to draw, paint, write poetry MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC!
Mis viajes… Estudié en España I studied in Spain Viajé a Nepal el verano pasado I traveled to Nepal this past summer He visitado a Nueva York, Pittsburgh, D.C., y otras ciudades en los Estados Unidos I have visited New York, Pittsburgh, D.C., and other cities in the U.S.
Classroom Rules Classroom Expectations Grading Important Issues Discipline
Classroom Rules: Be on-time: In your seat and materials out when the bell rings 3 latenesses = detention 4 latenesses = office referral When the bell rings, work on your warm-up Warm-ups are a part of your classwork grade The teacher, not the bell, dismisses you at the end of the period
Expectations This is Spanish class! You must attempt to use the language and what you learn… I want to hear you speak and see you write in Spanish! Be creative with your work… BE AUTHENTIC Be respectful of your surroundings: Your environment Your teachers Your classmates Yourself!
Grading Your grade is weighted: Tests/Quizzes50% PBTs30% Classwork/Homework20% Cheating: You must do your own work – cheating on a test/quiz/PBT results in a zero Plagiarism: Using words that you have not learned Online translating word-for-word Using native speakers to do your work Notebook: this helps keep you organized! Warm-ups Notes Classwork/Homework Tests/Quizzes/Project information
Important Issues Bathroom breaks No one leaves the room. I get you for 50 minutes. This time is crucial for speaking in the target language. Absences/Make-up work It’s up to YOU! Check the make-up work bin Make an appointment with me afterschool- no exceptions
Discipline You are expected to behave properly in class If, however, you choose to act inappropriately and unbecoming of a respectable young adult, you will also choose to accept full responsibility for your actions. Consequences: I run a tight ship! 1 st offense = verbal warning 2 nd offense = teacher/parent/student meeting 3 rd offense = detention 4 th offense = office referral
Let’s brainstorm!