Markets and Channels
Advantages of Web over conventional advertising: Advertisements are accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Response and results can be measured immediately and interactively, Web access is free to internet users, There are no distribution or printing fees, as result millions of consumers can reached at the cost of a single one Costs are the same whether the target audience is on the other side of the planet or on the same city block, and Materials and data can be updated, supplemented or changed at any time and are therefore always up-to-date
MediaDirectional Facilitation ModeDemand for advertising Internet2-waymany-to-manylittle Telephony2-waymany-to-manynone Yellow Pages2-way many-to-manyhigh Direct Mail1-way one-to-many none, unless solicited Television1-wayone-to-many only for shopping channels Radio 1-way one-to-many none Mass market magazines 1-wayone-to-manylow to moderate Trade & special interest magazines 1-wayone-to-many moderate to high (for classifieds) Newspapers1-wayone-to-many low to moderate Billboards1-way one-to-many high for practical info, low for slogans
Options for advertising on the Web Renting space Having own website
Modes of Web Ads Interactive banners Interstitials Multimedia ads Contextual ads webmercials
Services through interactive television Participation Shopping and banking Communication Video on demand
Financial services on the web Online trading Banking Insurance Loans Mortgages
Virtual corporations Hoteling Telecommuting Outsourcing
Digital payment systems Electronic currency- DigiCash(ecash), NetCash Credit Debit Schemes- SET (VISA, Mastercard),Netbill,NetCheque Secure credit card transaction- CyberCash
Secure Electronic Transactions Digital certificates Public key encryption Digital signatures Connection to payment system Operating rules
CyberCash process Consumer shops online Payment- cyber wallet Encrypted payment information received by the merchant CyberCash server unwraps information Merchant bank and issuing bank interaction Approval or denial