Scenario Some users want to select objects with specific features, based on their preferences These requests are performed as database queries Queries express users’ preferences by different weights on the attributes of the searched objects These are the so-called Preference Queries
A FAIR ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM Scenario The result of a preference query is the object in the database with the highest aggregate score If multiple preference queries are issued simultaneously, an object may be the best solution for many of them: Who will be coupled to the object? Which results will receive other users? A FAIR ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM
Scenario - Example Internship assignment, based on student’s preferences in terms of: nature of the job Salary office location other features… For a single student the system returns a set of top-k results with respect of his/her preference function An available internship position could be the top-1 choice of many interested students. It can only be assigned to one of them
Scenario - Example Internship assignment, based on student’s preferences in terms of: nature of the job salary office location other features… Users’ preference functions f1=0.8X+0.2Y f2=0.5X+0.5Y Positions’ attributes a=(0.5,0.6) b=(0.2,0.7) c=(0.8,0.2) d=(0.4,0.4) Best point (standing) Y f2 b f1 a d c (salary) X
Related Algorithms 1-1 assignment problem is related to three types of search: Spatial Assignment problem (model: SMP) Chain Algorithm Skyline Queries Branch-and-Bound Skyline Algorithm Top-k Search Threshold Algorithm
Spatial Assignment Problem – Chain Algorithm Its goal is to find a stable pair Its preference function is based on Euclidean distance a prefers b’ to b if dist(a,b’) < dist(a,b) A pair (a,b) is stable if and only if a’s closest object is b and b’s closest object is a, where a and b are among the unassigned (remaining) objects in A and B Chain algorithm: pick an object from A (randomly) or Q; find the NN (Nearest Neighbour) of a∈ A (aB∈ B); find the NN a’ ∈ A of aB∈ B; if a ≠ a’, aBis pushed into a queue Q; otherwise pair (a,aB) is output as the result pair and a, aB are removed from A and B.
Skyline Queries – BBS Algorithm A different approach exploits the set’s skyline concept The skyline of O consists of all points o ∈ O that are not dominated by any other point in O. It’s faster if the objects are indexed by an R-Tree BBS algorithm: Compute the skyline of O by accessing the minimum number of R- tree nodes it is I/O optimal Access the node of the tree in ascending distance order from the sky point Sky point is the (imaginary) most preferable object possible. Once a data object is found, it is added to the skyline and all R-tree nodes/subtrees dominated by it are pruned.
BBS Algorithm–Example sky M1 M2 M3 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 a m2 M1 M3 m7 c d e g h a c d e i j l k m b f ... m3 m6 b g m1 f h i j INN Heap = {e, i, m1, m2, M2,M3} INN Heap = {a} INN Heap = {m1, m2, m3, M2,M3} INN Heap = {M1, M2,M3} INN Heap = {m2} m4 l k Osky = {e, a} Osky = {e} m5 M2 m
Top-k search – Threshold Algorithm O is a collection of n objects, an object o has D attributes D S1, S2, …, SD sorted lists, one for each attribute, ordered by the atomic scores A top-k query, based on an aggregate function f, retrieves a k-subset Otopk of O (k<n), such that f(o) ≥ f(o’), ∀o ∈ Otopk, o’ ∈ (O−Otopk) The most used algorithm for top-k queries is Threshold Algorithm (TA) pops objects form the sorted lists in round-robin manner for each object o, f(o) is computed The set of k objects with the highest score is maintained the search terminates when the k-th score is greater than or equal to threshold T
Problem Statement A set of user preference function F over a set of multidimensional objects O. The score f(o) of an object o is: Our goal is to find stable 1-1 matching between F and O A function-object pair (f, o) in F × O is stable, if there is no function f’ ∈ F, f’ ≠ f, f’(o) > f(o) and there is no object o’ ∈ O, o’ ≠ o, f(o’) > f(o), where F and O are the sets of the unassigned (remaining) functions and objects.
Algorithms – Brute Force Search Assumption: F kept in memory, O indexed by an R-tree (Ro) on the disk Progressive technique Issue top-1 queries against O, one for every function in F (|F| pairs) The pair (f,o) with the highest f(o) value should be stable o is the top-1 preference of f f’(o) cannot be greater than f(o) for any function f’ ≠ f After the pair (f,o) is added to the query result o is removed from Ro If o was the top-1 object for another function f’ ≠ f, top-1 search must be re-applied for f’ Improvements: maintaining the search heap for each top-1 query, the search can resume Drawback: large amount of memory!
Algorithms – Skyline-Based Search Assumption: if F contains only monotone function, than the top-1 objects should be in Osky Stable function-object pairs between Osky and F are found and output Osky is computed and maintained SB(set F, R-tree Ro) Osky := ∅ while |F| > 0 do First we compute the skyline Osky Osky := ComputeSkyline(RO) Then while there are unassigned functions the pair (f,o) with the highest f(o) score is found UpdateSkyline(Osky, o, RO) (f,o):=BestPair(F, Osky) Output (f,o) Finally, f and o are removed from F and O, and Oskyis updated F := F-f; O := O-o; Osky:= Osky-o
Algorithms – Skyline-Based Search (Example) Ricordati di dire BAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Implementation – UpdateSkyline (Example) To minimize the tree traversal cost during skyline maintenance, the dominated objects by o are pruned and these entries are added to the pruned list o.plist To minimize the required memory, each pruned object is kept in the plist of only one skyline object Scand := ∅ algorithm UpdateSkyline(set Osky, object o,R-tree RO) new Osky :=ResumeSkyline(Scand , Osky) algorithm ResumeSkyline(set Scand, set Osky) while S is not empty do else ⊳ not dominated by any skyline object else Scand :={E|E ∈ o.plist, E ∉o’.plist, ∀o’ ∈ Osky } c b m1 M2 de-heap top entry E of Scand d a if E is dominated by any o ∈ Oskythen add E to o.plist M3 if E is non-leaf entry then visit node N pointed by E for all entries E’ ∈ N do push E’ into Scand Osky :=Osky ∪ E Scand = {d} Scand = {M3, a, b, d} Scand = {M2, M3, a, b, d} Scand = {c, M2, M3, a, b, d} Scand = {m1, c, M2, M3} Scand = {a, b, d} Scand = {b, d} Scand = {} Osky = {a, b, c} Osky = {c} Osky = {a, c} c.plist = {M2} c.plist = {M2, M3} b.plist = {d}
Algorithms – Skyline-Based Search (Optimization) The numbers of loops required can be reduced if multiple stable object-function pairs are output at each loop SB(set F, R-tree RO) Osky :=∅; Odel := ∅ while |F | > 0 do ⊳more unassigned functions if Osky =∅ then Osky :=ComputeSkyline(RO) else UpdateSkyline(Osky, Odel, RO) Odel := ∅ Fbest :=∅ for all o ∈ Osky do find function o.fbest∈F that maximizes f(o) Fbest :=Fbest ∪ o.fbest for all f ∈ Fbest do find object f.obest∈Osky that maximizes f(o) for all f∈Fbest do if (f.obest).fbest=f then F := F − f ; O := O − f.obest Osky := Osky−f.obest; Odel := Odel∪f.obest Fbest is the subset of F that includes the functions o.fbest that maximize f(o) For each f∈Fbest, the object f.obest that maximizes f(o) is coupled with the function f If (f.obest).fbest=f, then (f, f.obest) is stable and the function/object is removed from F/O and Osky At least one pair is guaranteed to be output
Conclusions SB is proven to be: I/O optimal by using an incremental skyline maintenance algorithm, which is proven to be I/O optimal CPU optimal by accelerating the matching between functions and skyline objects and identifying multiple stable pairs in each iteration