E NDEMIC SPECIES, RELICTS Výukový materiál EK Tvůrce: Ing. Marie Jiráková Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Milan Smejkal Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
ENDEMIC TAXA they have the natural range limited only to a territory on a limited area they are not found outside that territory
RESTRICTED AREA ( RANGE ) it has a different scale some species known as European endemic species such as Abies alba – European silver fir or Central European endemic species such as Aconitum plicatum - monkshood known as euryendemics
E NDEMIC TAXA the presence of endemic species in the flora of the area is most often associated with: geological isolation eg. in the mountains or on islands temporal isolation
STENO - ENDEMIC SPECIES species with small areas eg. an island, a mountain range or a single location
T HE RATE OF ENDEMISM it increases with the lower latitude - the closer to the equator, the more endemic taxa in these areas
N EOENDEMITS time is very important here all endemic species in the Czech Republic are considered NEOENDEMITS and they arose during the Quaternary
P ALEOENDEMITS according to the evolutionary theory older species are known as PALEOENDEMITS earlier species with a larger area, which dwindled in the course of time
E NDEMIC SPECIES currently in the Czech Republic there are about 80 endemic species and subendemic species (species with the vast majority of sites in our area) the largest representation of endemic species is in the Giant Mountains (more than 20)
RELICTS taxa whose simultaneous occurrence represents the remainder of an earlier, much larger expansion
R ELICTS reducing areas of these taxa was mostly due to strong cooling of the climate in connection with the onset of ice ages
R ELICTS the most famous relict from the last ice age is Rubus chamame mulberries, which grows in our republic only on the peat bogs in the Giant Mountains, whereas in northern Europe it is a common type with the continuous growth
W ORKSHEETS - REVISION Which taxa are known as endemic species? Explain the terms: euryendemics, steno-endemic species, relicts. What is the impact of the rate of endemism on the latitude? Are there any endemic species and relicts in the Czech Republic?
S OURCES KINCL, Lubomír, Miloslav KINCL a Jana JAKRLOVÁ. Biologie rostlin pro 1. ročník gymnázií. Třetí, upravené vydání – dotisk. Praha: Fortuna, ISBN GERŽA, M. Endemismus v České republice. Rostliny část 1. - ochrana přírody. 2009, roč. 2009, č. 2.