Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the NANC Dyan Adams, INC Co-Chair Shaunna Forshee, INC Co-Chair June 4, 2015
INC Report to the NANC 2 Overview About INC INC Meetings/Membership Issue 748: Assess Impacts on Numbering Resources and Numbering Administration with Transition from Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to Internet Protocol (IP) Issue 781: Criteria Added for Approval of Intra-Company OCN Change Issues 788 and 794 regarding 555 Line Number Assignments Issue 790: Remove Language stating Grandfathered Blocks are not on the Total Numbering Resources Report Issue 792: CIC Assignment Guidelines and Reclamation Issue 796: Allow code transfer when there are no assigned numbers in order to prevent code opening for LRN purposes
INC Report to the NANC 3 About INC The Industry Numbering Committee (INC) provides an open forum to address and resolve industry-wide issues associated with planning, administration, allocation, assignment and use of North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbering resources within the NANP area. Membership To become a member of INC or ATIS, see To understand how INC operates, see
INC Report to the NANC 4 INC Meetings Meetings Since the previous NANC meeting, INC held three face- to-face meetings in January, March, and May 2015.
INC Report to the NANC 5 Issue 748: Assess Impacts on Numbering Resources and Numbering Administration with Transition from Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to Internet Protocol (IP) INC continues to consider possible next work items in association with the transition to the all-IP network: Monitoring work of the IETF STIR WG regarding security and cryptographic certification of TNs Reviewed the LNPA WG whitepaper on non-geographic number portability Monitoring the discussion on the IETF MODERN listserv that was created as a result of the numbering testbed workshop
INC Report to the NANC 6 Issue 781: Criteria Added for Approval of Intra-Company OCN Change The INC Guidelines, COCAG and TBPAG, direct that a thousands-block/code cannot be transferred to a different company (“inter-company OCN change”) when the current blockholder/code holder has not certified that there are assigned numbers in the thousands-block/code. However, no criteria exists in the guidelines to address transfers of codes and blocks within a company (“intra-company OCN change”). If a block or code is no longer in use, it should be returned, not transferred to a different OCN in the applicant's profile. The COCAG and TBPAG were updated to state that the applicant requesting an “intra-company OCN change”, that is not the result of a merger/acquisition, must certify on the application that there are assigned numbers in the thousands- block/central office code.
INC Report to the NANC 7 Issues 788 and 794: 555 Line Number Assignments The 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines were created and individual line assignments began in Intended so that consumers could dial NPA-555-XXXX in order to access types of public information service needs that might not have been met at that time (e.g., 976 NXXs and the 900 NPA). 555 line numbers are a public resource and administrative assignment does not imply ownership of the resource by the entity performing the administrative function, nor does it imply ownership by the entity to which it is assigned. The vast majority of 555 line number assignments are to individuals; however, through NANPA’s investigations, it appears that few, if any, of the 555 numbers are in service and dialable.
INC Report to the NANC 8 Issues 788 and 794: 555 Line Number Assignments (cont’d) During the most recent INC meeting, NANPA provided updated information related to its outreach efforts to 555 line number assignees. As of April 2015, although over 70% of the resource has been assigned, NANPA has not received evidence that any numbers are in service. Success of the continued outreach is questionable due to lack of valid contact information for the majority of assignees. In an effort not to exacerbate the situation, INC agreed to place a moratorium on all new assignments of 555 line numbers until INC determines the best use of this resource. NANPA will file a change order to meet its obligations in the technical requirements document. Once the moratorium is implemented, NANPA will issue a Planning Letter that will serve as a final notice to assignees before the resources are reclaimed.
INC Report to the NANC 9 Issue 790: Remove Language Stating Grandfathered Blocks Are Not Included on the Total Numbering Resources Report Under INC Issue 698, INC worked with state commission staff to develop a new “Total Numbering Resources” report to be available in PAS to aid service providers and state commission staff in verifying the total numbering resources in a particular rate center for a given OCN. At the time the report was developed, grandfathered resources were not included in the report. With the release of enhanced PAS, the assigned and retained grandfathered blocks and non-pooled grandfathered codes now show on the Total Numbering Resources Report. INC removed the language from TBPAG Sections 4.3 and 6.2 which states grandfathered blocks and codes are not included in the Total Numbering Resources Report.
INC Report to the NANC 10 Issue 792: CIC Assignment Guidelines and Reclamation INC modified sections 4 and 6 of the CIC Assignment Guidelines to align them with other INC guidelines: Eliminated administrator ability to grant extensions to activate CICs Added the ability for CIC assignees to request extensions from the FCC Added an administrator responsibility to provide a reminder notification to the assignee of the Part C due date Revised guidelines so that the FCC directs the administrator to reclaim CICs not activated within the required timeframe
INC Report to the NANC 11 Issue 796: Allow Code Transfer When There Are No Assigned Numbers in Order to Prevent Code Opening for LRN Purposes The INC Guidelines: Do not allow a CO code to be transferred to a different company (“inter-company OCN change”) when the current code holder has not certified that there are assigned numbers in the CO code. Allow voluntary transfers of CO codes between SPs if they mutually agree and there are assigned numbers within the code. To avoid opening a new code for LRN purposes, SPs are seeking voluntary code transfers from other SPs, but often the only codes eligible are those that have been newly assigned and have no assigned numbers in them yet. INC added text to the COCAG to allow SPs to voluntarily transfer a code for LRN purposes, even if there are no assigned numbers yet, in order to ensure the most efficient use of the resource.
INC Report to the NANC 12 Issues in Final Closure Issue 781, Criteria Added for Approval of Intra-Company OCN Change Issue 790, Remove Language stating Grandfathered Blocks are not on the Total Numbering Resources Report Issue 791, Update TBPAG Section 8.6 for Expediting A Block in a Multi- Block Request Issue 792, CIC Assignment Guidelines and Reclamation Issue 793, Update the CLLI™ Definition in all INC Guidelines with a Glossary referencing CLLI™ Issue 794, Update 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines to Reflect a Moratorium on New Assignments Issue 795, Update COCAG Part 2 forms based on BIRRDS May 8, 2015 Release Issue 796, Allow code transfer when there are no assigned numbers in order to prevent code opening for LRN purposes
INC Report to the NANC 13 Relevant INC Web Pages INC Homepage: INC Issues (historical and active): INC Published Documents: Anyone interested in information on INC or INC documents can contact Jackie Voss, ATIS INC Manager, via at or (913)