Social Media 101 Brindey Weber January 29, 2010
2 What We’ll Learn What is Social Media? Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Blogs Where you fit in
Facebook is attracting wrinkles 4
It’s all about interaction Social Media is user-generated content Has roots in the history of the Internet Honesty, transparency, trust and respect Content should be applicable, shareable, changeable, and buildable A study of 2,300 HubSpot customers revealed that businesses that blog get 126% more leads, 55% more visitors to their website, 97% more inbound links and 434% more indexed pages. 6
7 Followers Following Feed Profile #tags TweetdeckTweetdeck/SeesmicSeesmic TwitterberryTwitterberry/TweetieTweetie User: hiavailability PW: stratus
8 Friends Wall Profile Links “likeing” and commenting Pictures and “tagging” Fan pages vs. Groups
9 Home Profile Profile vs. Status updates Blogs Groups Questions/Answers Mail Events Recommending others Companies
Blogs 10 Obama Google Lifehacker Running from the Camera Invisible People Scobleizer TWLOHA Posts Authors Comments Responding with Posts Blogroll Free Content (case studies, white papers, events calendars) Editorial Calendar Contact Information Bookmarking Sharing RSS/ Readers Readers (the other kind)
11 Social Media Guidelines (the short version) Respect others in your writing. Respect copyrights. Respect the law. Respect your readers. Respect your content. Bloggers off-site are encouraged to put a copyright notice “© 2010, Betty Blogger” along with the following disclaimer “The posts on this blog are provided ‘as is’ with no warranties and confer no rights. The opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my employer, Stratus Technologies.” Bloggers assume all responsibility and liability from actions arising from posts. Stratus team members are free to share in whatever medium they wish but Stratus is not responsible for any fees or hosting costs associated with social media. Accept advertising if you wish.
12 Questions / Comments (p)