Social Media Setup Service Training
Why Offer this Service? Clients have heard about Social Media but may not understand it. We want to be there to help them into this new world.
Scope of Service Assisting the client with social network choice. Setting up the account. Verify the account (if necessary). Setup the client's profile (including photo).
Educate the client on the basics of the service. How to re-tweet or post to a wall. Initial following/friending of a couple of people to show how to do it. (use geek squad if they don't have any friends) Educate on what to watch out for (spam, phishing, etc).
Answers to Your Questions You do not have to setup adult profiles unless you want to. Passwords: give them guidance only. Username plant the seeds early and have patience. Let them know they may need to try several variations. Do not friend or follow a client with your personal account. Possible CDP issues. Review the signup process for the major social networks.
Comparison Setup We need the users address We need the users password or have them type it in Social Media Setup We need the user to have a username or create one We need the user to create a password With either service we are required to handle what can be considered “client sensitive” information. Whether you are setting up a client’s account or twitter account remember to handle their information with the confidentially they expect from Geek Squad.