Analyze a FAT file system manually FAT12 first and simplest version Still used on smaller disks (e.g. floppies) FAT16 & FAT32 as successors (essentially the same, but more complex) De facto USB stick standard Resources Microsoft’s general overview of FAT export) Links from the assignment 2
Hex editor Program that allows us to manipulate binary computer files XVI-32 ASCII table 29#Tabel_van_ASCII-codes 29#Tabel_van_ASCII-codes 3
Verify the MD5 checksum of the image Linux: md5sum Windows hksfv (via Google) 4
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 5
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 6
Structure of a FAT12 formatted floppy disk PositionLengthContents 01Boot sector 19Fat 1 109Fat Root directory Data 7
Sector size is 512B or ½ KB 2880 sectors in total (= ) 2880 * 1/2 KB = 1440 KB = 1,4 MB Fat 2 is a copy of Fat 1 Root directory contains the directory entries
Isolate the different parts for the floppy image (fat12.img) by using a hex editor Find the (hexadecimal) start addresses for every part 9
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 10
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 11
Directory in FAT12 is a sequence of file descriptions Every file description consists of 32 bytes Note: hexadecimal number is a quick way to write 4 binary numbers 12
PositionLengthContents 08Name 83Extension 111Attribute 1210Reserved 222Time 242Date 262First cluster 284File size 13
b 5a b5a330300b Name: first 8 bytes Can be looked up in ASCII table Spaces are used as padding TEST____
b 5a b5a330300b Extension: next 3 bytes Can be looked up in ASCII table Spaces are used as padding DD_
b 5a b5a330300b Attribute: kept in a bitvector Little endian byte order: least significant byte first E.g. 4A 3B 2C 1D (hexadecimal) is stored as 1D 2C 3B 4A
0read-only4subdir 1hidden5archive 2system file6/ 3volume label7/ 18
b 5a b5a330300b Attribute: 12th byte 20 hexadecimal 32 decimal in bits (little endian) Hence... archive!
b 5a b5a330300b Reserved: next 10 bytes Creation time and date Last accessed
b 5a b5a330300b Time: next 2 bytes (after reserved part) 851b 1b85 1b = 27 = 85 = 133 = So:
22 Hours: 5 bits or 3 Minutes: 6 bits : 28 Seconds: 5 bits (only even seconds!) 00101: 5 10 So... 3h 28m 10s
b 5a b5a330300b Date: next 2 bytes (after time) 5a33 335a 33 = 51 = 5a = 90 = So:
24 7 bits for the number of years since 1980 : 25 4 bits for the month 1010: 10 5 bits for the day 11010: 26 So... October 26, 2005
b 5a b5a330300b First cluster: next 2 bytes (after date) Sequence number of the first cluster of the file 0300 0003 (hexadecimal) So: cluster 3
b 5a b5a330300b File size: last 4 bytes B b0 So: 1200 bytes
Interpret the following directory entry Visualize the contents of the root directory of fat12.img by giving the name, size and date of each entry. 5a b c a a
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 28
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 29
Directory-entry contains the cluster where the file starts (first cluster value is FAT index) FAT indexes 0 and 1 are unused, so FAT index 3 matches data cluster 1 FAT index 240 matches data cluster 238 FAT-table gives us the other clusters that potentially are used by the file 30
The FAT contains a 12-bit element for every cluster FAT12 So… 2 FAT elements can be saved in 3 bytes E.g. AB CD EF contains both DAB and EFC (AB CD EF BA DC FE DAB and EFC) 31
000Free cluster 002-FEFUsed cluster + value pointing to next cluster FF0-FF6Reserved FF7Bad cluster FF8-FFFUsed cluster + last cluster of file 32
F0 FF FF F0 FF becomes (FOF FFF) FFF or clusters 3, 4 and 5 are in use (cluster 2 is free) Remember the file size of 1200 bytes? Now we know that the file is stored in 3 clusters: (3 x 512) – 1200 or 336 bytes of slack space (i.e. lost space due to internal fragmentation loss) 33
Clusters 3, 4 and 5 match with data blocks 1, 2 and 3 How to find where a data block starts? Start address data blocks: 4200 (H) Cluster 1 starts after 1 x 512 bytes or 200 (H) Hence, 4400 is the hexadecimal start address. 34
Find all clusters of the file sum.xls on fat12.img and reconstruct the file 35
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 36
Floppy Disk Directories FAT12 Removing files 37
Find out what happens when a file is removed. How can you see this on the floppy? Is it possible to undelete a file? How? If yes, are there limitations? 38