Historical Development of Comics
Golden Age of Comics Late 1930’s – Early 1950’s Development of stereotypical “superhero” motif Every hero has strengths and weaknesses Secret identities; costumes; masks Every hero has specific origination myth
Clear division of right/wrong, good/evil Comic style art Simplistic, straightforward, basic colors Heroes are associated with specific symbols Clear division of right/wrong, good/evil Heroes: justice, honor, traditional virtues Villains: greed, power, chaos, insanity
Caucasian, predominantly male Superman, Batman, Captain America, Wonder Woman Reflecting values of age WWII patriotism/propaganda Post-war baby boom, conservative patriotism
Silver Age of Comics Appx. 1956 – 1970 Introduction of grittier themes, non-superhero comics Realistic plotlines, increased violence Streamlined, less “comic” art Higher quality illustrations Progressive styles, more detailed panels
More diverse heroes/protagonists Various ethnicities and backgrounds More females Superhero teams Justice League, Fantastic Four: emphasis on cooperation Complementary strengths/weaknesses More lifelike heroes Spider-Man (Stan Lee): young, athletic, humorous
Bronze Age of Comics Appx. 1970 – 1985 Darker plot elements Drug use, alcoholism Increased social relevance Inclusion of experimental/alternative art Brighter and darker frames Vibrant color palettes Intricate panel details
Team-ups: crossovers/hero alliances Intersections of previously independent hero universes Deeper exploration of team elements Minority superheroes: Storm (X-Men) Development of non-hero comics Birth of Graphic Novel
Modern Age of Comics Appx. 1985 – Present Psychologically complex characters Appearance of anti-hero Protagonists with questionable morality Transformation of heroism to vigilantism Publishing developments More independent publishers Increased commercialization of major publishers
Transition to graphic novel form Very detailed, high quality panels Unconventional art forms, innovative storytelling Negative shading (Frank Miller) Big budget film adaptations Spawn, X-Men, Hulk Reboots of Spider-Man, Batman, Superman franchises