I can revise a text in order to create cohesive meaning. I can revise a text in order to create cohesive meaning. I can describe archetypal images used in literature and film. I can create a song, poem or written work about my hero.
Numbers 9 and 10 Bell Ringer
Turkey Hero
Think of a hero (i.e. Superman, Spiderman, The Hulk, Batman, Wonder Woman, Black Widow, etc.) Who do you feel you are most like? Write the name of the hero at the top of your paper. List the characteristics you believe make him/her a hero. List how you are like your hero. Part 1
Fins someone who has listed the same hero. Compare your list of characteristics. You may want to add to your own list. Now find someone who has a different hero listed. Again, compare your lists of characteristics. Part 2
Whole group: Share your list of characteristics of a hero and discuss what really makes a hero. Part 3
On your paper, make a T-chart/ As you watch the video clips, write the character’s name on one side of the chart. On the other side, write the heroic characteristics that character displays. Think about our class discussion. Part 4
E E Mulan
Lion King
Peter Parker
k k Luke Skywalker
E E Katniss
Fold a paper into 4 squares. Write the following at the top of each square: Square 1: name your superhero Square 2: well known hero (i.e. Mother Teresa, Military, etc.) Square 3: community hero (i.e. teacher coach, police officer, etc.) Square 4: you In each square write/draw a representation of that person and include reasons why they are a hero. Part 5
Read/Listen to the lyrics of the song “I Need A Hero”. Write the traits of the hero seen in that song. Now think about the discussion today and write a poem, song, or paragraph about your personal hero. Part 6