2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa RUSTENBURG ESI Feedback 8 April 2010
Rustenburg Analysis and Update Network Status ESKOM PROJECTS 1.Phokeng Substation refurbishment:Commissioning of the transformer to complete the project is planned for 30/4/2010. Oil samples could not be taken due to rainy conditions and this lead to the postponement for the completion of this project. 2.Sunrise substation:Substation was planned to be commissioned on 2- 4 April, but bad weather conditions denied vehicle access to the area and the commissioning is planned for April Phokeng Sports Campus Hotel Feeder: Payment /guarantees were only received from the customer on 2/4/2010 and the expected delivery date of 30/4/2010 will not be achieved due to the bad weather conditions and the turf soil where the line has to be constructed. The whole delay was the failure by the customer to accept the budget quote and also the payment for the project.
Rustenburg Analysis and Update Network Status ESKOM PROJECTS 4. Bakgatla Projects: All the required payments were done. Line deviations for the development of the new roads will resume on 15/4/2010 due to changes in the scope of work which was requested by the customer.
Rustenburg Analysis and Update Network Status (continue) Rustenburg Municipality Projects 1.Waterkloof substation: Not directly linked to 2010, but essential for power requirements of the areas around the Waterfall Mall after been linked to the 33kV networks (Industries, Motor city and Park S/S). 2.Olympia Park ring feed:Olympia Park ring feed to the stadium: Project has been completed. 3.Fan Park - Grenville School :Decision to go ahead with Fields college as a fan park was made very late in March 2010 and the electrical departments is working around the clock to ensure that this project is delivered on time. Meeting regarding the set up of the area will take place with the rest of the stakeholders on 8/4/2020.
Rustenburg Analysis and Update Challenges w.r.t. network status 2010 Risks Log Eskom risk log: Concerns: 1. Accreditation: No further information is available but all the identified staff members list have been submitted for accreditation. 2. Base Camps: The delivery of the Sports Campus feeder to the English team base camp 3. UPS:The Phokeng stadium lighting which is not backed up by the UPS Munic risk log: Concerns 1.Unavailability of the fan park layout plan will cause a delay in the establishment and meeting the delivery date of the fan park at Fields College. 2.Equipment and cable theft.
Communications Media of communications is land lines,cell phones, two way radios and s. Eskom will have two way radios for the Munic and Arup. Arup is Energy rep in the Voc.
Security RTT is part of the Provincial JOC and Local JOC Information is shared between the JOC’s and Situational Awareness Centre
Telecomms The Munic, Eskom and Sentech share the main telecommunication site, there is ups and backup generators.
IT IT specialist will be on standby and be on site at the Situational Awareness Centre.
Rustenburg Analysis and Update Way Forward. 1.Regional Task Team conduct monthly meetings. 2.Proper communications is set up with the Rustenburg 2010 Office. 3.With the Confederation Cup during 2009 as a dress rehearsal, we foresee no problems for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup concerning the supply of electricity.
Rustenburg Analysis and Update Time Frames 1.All known Risks and Challenges are in control and will be completed well in advance of the 2010 games during June/July The Rustenburg Regional Task Team, consisting of Eskom (Rustenburg) and Rustenburg Local Municipality is prepared to deal with unforeseen circumstances.