翻译句子 1. 这是谁的杂志 ? Whose magazine is this? 2. 它肯定是汤姆的. It must be Tom’s. 3. 这本书属于我的哥哥. This book belongs to my brother. 4. 这个发带不可能是刘梅的. The hair band.


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Presentation transcript:

翻译句子 1. 这是谁的杂志 ? Whose magazine is this? 2. 它肯定是汤姆的. It must be Tom’s. 3. 这本书属于我的哥哥. This book belongs to my brother. 4. 这个发带不可能是刘梅的. The hair band can’t be Liu Mei’s. 5. 这个足球可能属于约翰. The football could belong to John.

1. “ Whose pen is this? ” It ____ Liu Mei because I saw her use it the other day. A. can ’ t be B. might be C. must belong to 2. That ’ s a piece of good news. They ___ glad to hear that. A. can be B. might be C. must be 3. She ____ her test paper, for only fifteen minutes has passed. A. can ’ t have finished B. must have finished C. might has finished C C A

4. This story ____ long time ago. A. was happened B. has happened C. happened 5. He’s staying at home today ____ he is ill. A. because B. because of C. so 6. Peter often annoys others _____ his confidence. A. because B. because of C. use 7. He was left in the forest so we were all _____ for his safety. A. interested B. excited C. anxious C C B A

UFO: unidentified flying object 不明飞行物,飞碟


What do you think of them? Do you like them?

看图完成句子 1. The _______ is landing. 2. The thing that can fly is a _______. 3. They see a strange _______. It must be an alien. UFO helicopter creature

1. Look at the pictures. Then use the words from the box to write a sentence about each picture. land man UFO run alien chase

1 a. The UFO is landing.

b. The alien is chasing the man.

c.The man is running.

What is the creature doing? It is playing tennis.

A: What could the creature be doing? B: It could be…… It is reading.

A:What might the creature be doing? B:It might be …… It is shopping.

A: What could the creature be doing? B: It could be …… It is sleeping.

Listen and number the pictures a2 3

Think: Write two or three sentences to finish the story.

2a, Section B …the man was running as fast as he could. must be chasing might lose He thought that the alien must be chasing to catch him, and he might lose his life if he were caught! “Hello…!” Suddenly a voice came from behind… must be the alien could it Might must be dreaming The man knew it must be the alien! “But how could it speak our language?” He wondered…“Might I make friends with you?” The alien stopped just in front of the man, with a big smile and both its arms opened to him…“I must be dreaming!” the man said to himself…

They see…The man says… The woman Says… 1. A man running.He could beHe might be 2. Something in the sky. It could beIt must be 3. A Strange creature. It must beI must be 4. A woman with a camera. She could beThey must be running for exercise a helicopter an alien from the TV news late for work a UFO dreaming making a movie2b

A: Why do you think the man is running? B: He could be running for exercise. A: No, he’s wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.2c 赶公共汽车

Pairwork (2c: P37) Sample dialogue 2: A: Why do you think the girl is crying? B: She could be crying for the failing of the exam. A: No, her cat died. She might be crying for her dead cat.