Assessment of Soft Artificial Skin with Pressure Sensibility ET 493: Senior Design I Instructor: Dr. Cris Koutsougeras Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Saadeh Spring /27/2015 James Courtney Energy Engineering Technology Ashley Galvan Computer Engineering Technology Hunter LaFleur Energy Engineering Technology
Purpose Evaluating soft artificial skin-like material with pressure sensibility using FSR sensors.
Design The design of the project will be a skin platform that will consist of an embedded grid of FSRs that are spatially arranged. The platinum silicone will then be poured on top of the grid.
History of FSR Sensor (FSR) was invited in 1977 by Franklin Eventoff. The equation above is the output from a FSR device.
FSR Sensor Uses polymer film, which triumphs over traditional force sensing devices. These sensors have a wide measurable force range. Occupy is minimal space.
Voltage Divider
Dragon Skin 10 Med Dragon Skin 10 MED is a high performance platinum cure silicone rubber.
Vacuum Chamber Kit 3/4” Thick Clear Acrylic Lid Glycerin Filled Vacuum Gauge 5FT Clear Steel Reinforced Vacuum Hose 8”x8” FDA Grade Silicone Non Stick Pad 50 Micron Air Filter
Vacuum Pump 3 CFM single stage vacuum pump rated to 50 microns 3 Gallon High Strength 304 SS Chamber
Homogenizer This device is used for the homogenization of the platinum material.
Deliverables Task:Dates:Progress: Research Silicone Solution1/29/2015Completed Research De-Gassing Chamber and Pump2/05/2015Completed Order Silicone Solution3/05/2015Completed Order Chamber and Pump Completed Order Homogenizer Completed Research FSR sensor2/10/2015In Progress Find team members3/9/2015Completed Set-up work area3/12/2015Completed Set-up De-Gassing Chamber3/18/2015Completed Set-up Homogenizer Completed Test Pump3/20/2015Completed Cure Skin Proto-types3/20/2015In Progress Test Skin Proto-types4/3/2015Pending Test FSR Grid4/8/2015Pending Implement FSR Grid4/15/2015Pending Cure Skin Platform4/22/2015Pending Test Skin Platform4/28//2015Pending Implement PlatformDependent of time-- Measure and Record DataDependent of time--
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