Welcome to Curriculum Night Mrs. LaVoie’s Class
Communication Parent conferences Report Cards (Nov., Feb., April, June) Monthly Class Newsletter School Newsletter F-M Website: fmschools.org (password for photos is lavoielane) If you need to contact me: -send in a note with your child -leave a phone message with the office Curriculum maps available online
Parent Volunteers to occasionally help at centers on 9:15-10:15 to help in the classroom for special events to help chaperone field trips and class parties periodically throughout the year. to occasionally send in supplies for special projects and activities to help in the art room and the library. Please sign up tonight if you are interested in any of these!
Classroom Management Class generated rules for the classroom Use of “ card system ” Positive Reinforcement for good behavior- (terrific tickets, class compliments, check plus challenge)
Homework Homework log is sent home on Mondays with spelling list Homework log should be returned on Fridays (please help your child to develop this responsibility) Should take approx. 30 minutes -Practice spelling -math worksheet or practice facts or play math game -read a picture book or 1 chapter No homework on weekends or vacations
Our Daily Schedule 8:58-9:04-Fitness Walk 9:05-9:15- Lunch count, attendance, morning work 9:15- 10:15 Reading Workshop 10:05- 10:50- Writing Workshop 10:50-11:50- Lunch & Recess 11:50-12:45- Word Work, Spelling & Printing Practice 12:45-1:30- Specials (Day 1-Music, Day 2-Gym, Day 3-Art,Day 4- Gym) 1:30-1:45- Chapter Book Read Aloud 1:45-2:30- Math 2:30-3:00- Science or Social Studies 3:00-3:10- Choice time 3:10- Prepare for dismissal 3:20-Dismissal for walkers & car riders 3:25-Dismissal for bus riders Computer Lab- Tues. 1:35-2:25 Library- Thurs. 12:00-12:30
Reading Literacy Centers Balance of self selected and teacher directed reading Focus on : decoding (figuring out unknown words) comprehension (understanding what is read_ fluency (reading smoothly and with expression) Levels J-M are typical for second grade
Writing Begins with a whole group skill lesson Followed by approx. 30 min of writing Teacher conferences with students individually Ends with a whole group share of how the skill lesson for the day was used in the students ’ writing Writing Process: rough draft revise (adding details, sequencing to make sense, developing characters, strong beginnings and endings) edit (spelling and punctuation) final copy ( “ published ” – celebrate!)
Math A balance between problem solving skills and computation. We want students to be accurate, efficient and flexible. Math handbooks for home Workbooks will come home at the end of each unit. Not all pages will be complete. Unit tests are sent home for you to review, sign and return.
Good math thinkers are accurate, efficient and flexible! How would you solve this problem?
Spelling (Word Work) Children are placed in a group by the skills they are working on Children will bring home word cards to cut and sort each Monday. Word Wall Words are words that the children often use, but that often don’t follow the spelling patterns Spell Check on Friday Review of short vowels, long vowel patterns, vowel combinations, consonant blends, contractions, silent letter patterns, compound words, homonyms
Science Life Cycles (monarchs, tadpoles) Solar System (visit F-M Planetarium) Crystals Balancing Forces Plants Migration (monarchs and whales) Magnetism
Social Studies Rules/Laws/Citizenship Communities -urban (culminates with a field trip to city of Syracuse to see a play at the Landmark theatre and a visit to the MOST) -rural (culminates with a field trip to Critz Farms to observe the maple sugaring process) - suburban (culminates with a field trip to Mill Run Park in Manlius where we partake in many science activities) How communities have changed over time (culminates with our “ Old Fashioned School Day ” ) National Holidays and Symbols Maps
Miscelleneous Sign up for volunteering if interested (centers, library, art, class parties, field trips, supplies) Children need a small, healthy snack each day Please label all supplies and winter gear! On your child ’ s desk are a set of yellow number cards. Please cut them apart and keep them in a safe place for use throughout the year Birthdays are celebrated at 2:50 on (or near) your child ’ s birthday or “ half- birthday ” Curriculum overviews, calendars and updates are available online We have outside recess everyday if it is above 10◦ Photos on my website will be password protected. (lavoielane) Donations of small toys or trinkets for the prize box are appreciated! Attendance is important! Please avoid vacations that interfere with school.