Animals of the Dunes Birds and Mammals
Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata Named because of the color of its throat Changes color in winter time is not capable of walking on land instead slides itself along on its chest
Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica Looks very similar to Red-throat loons except the red coloring Fish eater Spends the winter at sea
Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis Eats nice, eggs, insectsm carrion, grubs, and berries Males live by themselves but female can live in groups Has scent glands in which it uses when frightened in defense
Your Presentation Pick 2 birds and a Mammal Animals must only be presented once Give Scientific Name 1 picture of the animal 3 interesting Facts about the animal Do think that we will see these animals?
Birds –Scoters –Jaegers –Red-shouldered Hawk –Pileated Woodpecker –Red headed Woodpecker –Wood Thrush Veery –Blackburnian Warbler –Prothonotary Warbler –Canada Warbler –Prairie Warbler –Pine Warbler –Pine Siskin –Cackling Goose –Pacific Loon –Little Blue Heron –Harlequin Duck –Northern Goshawk –Thayer's Gull –Little Gull –Glaucous Gull –Great Black-backed Gull –Eurasian Collared-Dove –White-winged Dove –Loggerhead Shrike –Townsend's Solitaire –Kirtland's Warbler –Smith's Longspur –Yellow-headed Blackbird –Evening Grosbeak –Pine Grosbeak
Mammals Virginia opossum Least Shrew Eastern Mole Brown myotis Eastern red bat Big brown bat Eastern cottontail Eastern chipmunk Woodchuck Thirteen-lined ground squirrel Eastern gray squirrel Red squirrel American beaver Coyote Red fox Common gray fox Common Raccon Least weasal Mink American Badger White-tailed deer White-footed mouse Prairie deer mouse Norway rat Prairie vole Common muskrat