Guess the topic…. JUDAISM
Judaism: Abrahams God Aim: To explore the origins of Judaism and discover why Abraham was chosen by God. Tasks: In pairs, think of 5 things you know about Judaism and Abraham and note this down on your spider diagram. In a different colour, list on your diagram 5 things you want to know about Judaism or Abraham. What do you know about Judaism Or Abraham
A special task! Information: Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic (One God) religions and was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East. God was fed up with they way people were worshipping other god and goddesses and how many of their lives were wicked and disrespectful. God chose a man, Abraham to be an example to the world, and to teach others how to live and build a relationship with him - To become God’s people. God and the Jews had a stormy relationship much of the time, and one of the fascinating things about Jewish history is watching God change and develop alongside his people. Tasks: Where did Judaism develop? - Give details, use an example, give dates. Why was God unhappy? Who is the founder of Judaism?
What is faith? COPY: Abraham was Gods special leader. God chose Abraham because he was loyal, kind hearted and faithful to God. God built a covenant with Abraham. A covenant is a promise. Jewish people know Abraham as man who did everything God asked. They try to be as obedient as he was to God. His story shows Jewish people that God is always faithful. BIBLICAL PASSAGES The call of Abraham: Genesis 11.31—12. 9 God's promises to Abraham: Genesis 12.2, 13.14–18, 15.1–2, 17, 22.17–18 Questions: What is a covenant? What promises were made to each other? How and why was Abraham tested by God? Is father Abraham a role model to Jews today? Video: Abrahams story (Pt 1) Video: Abrahams story (Pt 2) Video: Abrahams story (Pt 3)
Plenary: Draw a life journey for Abraham and Sarah. This involves drawing a line and writing or drawing the main incidents of their lives. It can be drawn in any shape. Abraham hears God voice. He is willing to listen and obey. He makes a covenant with the Lord. He must have great faith. Can God really turn back the time for Abraham and Sarah. She doubts because she is so old. Abraham does not want to cast out his 1st child. Abraham is put to the test. He has faith in God so strong to sacrifice Isaac. God has spared his life and Abraham is a trustworthy leader. Great joy, a miracle of God. Something they have been waiting for all their lives.