Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary –Longfellow Difficult days are coming – Ec.12.


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Presentation transcript:

Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary –Longfellow Difficult days are coming – Ec.12 What to do? Biblical view: Ec.12:1 Live it up? Trust science? Fear, self-pity?

I. Cling To The Creator, 1-8

Remember (1, 6) Memory affects conduct  1 Sm.1:19  2 Chr.24 Remember the Alamo! Remember an enemy Remember kind deed Remember birthday

Creator You are not your own God has a double claim on Christians Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture – Ps.100:3 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) – Ep.2:5

Days of youth (11:9-10) The green twig is easily bent Why wait for a death bed? Youthful piety saves from future pain. 1 Sm.1 “You made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You”

Evil habits grow stronger when they are practiced longer 2 Pt.2:14  Unceasing, restless (BDAG)  Unable to stop…that cannot be quieted (Th.) Smoke; drink; gossip; lust; immorality

Before difficult days come Sickness and weakness will afflict body and mind, giving less time to repent and less tendency to do so as the deceitfulness of sin hardens the heart

Light... darkness... clouds (2) Light. Joy Darkness. Fading capacity for joy Clouds. Troubles are like showers: one follows another. 2 Sm.19:35; Jl.2:2 Friends leave Customs change Hopes fade

3-4: this ole house (2 Co.5) 5-6: the inevitable end 7: Gn.3:19; 2:7

8: vanity (1:2) Nothing under sun is ours to keep...or can lead us home It is futile to live w/o knowing purpose of it all Points us to the One “above the sun” for answers

I. Cling To The Creator, 1-8 II. Covet The Correction, 9-12

The method (9-10) Wise (his qualifications): listen to wisdom  Taught proverbs ‘w. great care’ (ESV). 1 K.10:9 10, sincerely (w/o pretense) taught plain truth

11, his words stir up students Illustrations from pastoral life Goads prod oxen; here, they prick conscience (Ac 2:37; 9:5; Hb.4:12) Nails firmly fixed (RSV)  Shepherds use them to fasten tents; words fastened in memory like nails One Shepherd

12: admonition Beware of anything beyond these (RSV)  Don’t believe everything you hear  Some wear themselves out w. worthless stuff

I. Cling To The Creator, 1-8 III. Continue The Course, II. Covet The Correction, 9-12

What? Fear God. Gn.22:12. Ph.2:12 How? Keep God’s commandments Why? Reality as opposed to vanity  Two parts Whole duty of every person. What we were made for (3:11) God will judge us for all we do. We are not animals