Mindset Paul’s example to the anxious Philippians.


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Presentation transcript:

Mindset Paul’s example to the anxious Philippians

Anxious Discouragement ▪ In the last evening lesson I gave, we considered some ways to handle the boredom we often feel in life. ▪ This lesson is similar in that it addresses the fact that, as with boredom, we often allow our mindset to slip into one of discouragement. ▪ To introduce this lesson, let’s read together from Paul’s letter to the some apparently anxious brethren (Philippians 1:3-7).

Our Depressed Life ▪ It has often been said that happiness is not relative to circumstance, but individual disposition. ▪ How many of us would call ourselves pessimistic? Discouraged? Surrounded by negativity? How much of this is due to circumstance (economy, health, life, family, brethren, etc.)? ▪ But we are supposed to be joyful Christians! ▪ In our text, Paul mentions the fact that he is in prison (v. 7).

Paul’s Lament ▪ We don’t have to read Paul’s complaint to know it must have been somewhere in his heart/mind. ▪ He was a prolific traveler! He was stuck in prison for at least 2 years! All he had was really slow mail / letters! ▪ His mindset? He feels UNITY with people he cannot even be with. He feels them as PARTAKERS with him in the gospel. ▪ Paul is set in his mind to glorify what is UNSTOPPABLE, not dwell on so many things that are inefficient/stoppable (1:12-18).

Thrive Where We Are ▪ This is Paul’s mindset. The guards of his prison were under his tutelage (Acts 16). His purpose was clear regardless of circumstance (Philippians 4:3). ▪ Have we noticed what Paul’s mindset accomplished, even to those with whom he was not directly engaged (Philippians 1:14)? ▪ In spite of 303 AD, the Bible is right here! In spite of danger, brethren do the will of God! 2.2 Billion in a world of 6 Billion know the Lord!

What Happens ▪ We get refused. Our progress gets impeded / stopped. Months or years of work invested are lost. It is so discouraging; it is so ISOLATED! ▪ Look around! Here sits proof of what the Lord said (Matthew 7:14). ▪ Let’s look in Philippians 2:19-22 which we may have read in our studies so often before. We have trouble, but so many more consolations than even Paul. Are we encouraged as was he?

Life’s Trials ▪ We endure Cancer, various sicknesses, losses of those we love, dysfunction of many types. Can we stay aloft and be encouraged and encouraging? If we this set our minds as Paul did. ▪ God will set things right. He is not one with “patches,” but with final, everlasting reward. ▪ The gospel is the tool to this end and we are its agents to that end as well; for ourselves and for others who will allow it.

Paul’s Mindset ▪ Philippians 1:19-26…Paul put on Christ, he took on the mindset of the Lord. He became “hidden” in Christ (2:2-5). ▪ Notice what we read in 1 Timothy 1:8-12. ▪ The holy and righteous don’t need the law, because such thoughts in need of the law are far from us; alien to us, as they should have been to the ancients (Isaiah 55:9). ▪ Let us not concentrate on the relief of Heaven so much we fail to do what it takes to make it there.

The Proper Mindset Listen to the Invitation of the Lord: Isaiah 55; Matthew 11: Listen to the Invitation of the Lord: Isaiah 55; Matthew 11: Believe the gospel of Christ: John 8:24; 20:30-31; Rom 1:16; 10:10 Believe the gospel of Christ: John 8:24; 20:30-31; Rom 1:16; 10:10 Repent or turn from your sins: Luke 24:46-47; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30-31 Repent or turn from your sins: Luke 24:46-47; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30-31 Confess your faith in Christ: Matt 10:32-33; Rom 10:9-10 Confess your faith in Christ: Matt 10:32-33; Rom 10:9-10 Be immersed in water: Matt 28:19; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-4; 1 Pet 3:21 Be immersed in water: Matt 28:19; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-4; 1 Pet 3:21 Live in obedient faith: 1 Peter 1:14; Rev 2:10 Live in obedient faith: 1 Peter 1:14; Rev 2:10

Mindset Paul’s example to the anxious Philippians