Prospects in ALICE for mesons Daniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham, UK) for the ALICE Collaboration International Conference on STRANGENESS IN QUARK MATTER Levoca, Slovakia – June 2007
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)2 Resonances in ALICE ALICE Detector & PID capabilities Simulation method & MC predictions signal and background predictions Conclusions Structure of Talk
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)3 Resonances in ALICE ALICE is a general-purpose heavy-ion (HI) experiment designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter and the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN LHC. Resonances are a useful probe with which to study the QGP. (see Wed afternoon session). ALICE will allow the study of resonance production in pp and Pb-Pb collisions. This talk is devoted to the prospects of meson production at the ALICE experiment. ALICE: Physics Performance Report, Vol. II. B. Alessandro et al., ALICE Collaboration. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys , (See A. Badala talk on Thursday)
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)4 Interest in production Interesting due to its quark content. It is sensitive to strangeness production. It interacts weakly with non-strange hadrons in the hadronic phase due to its small cross section. Several theoretical predictions suggest changes in the mass and width due to medium-induced effects. The in hadronic and leptonic mode. The dileptons will have a different medium interaction. Proposed as a probe of chiral symmetry restoration.
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)5 Interest in production in pp collisions Production of the can be measured early in the running of LHC, because of its narrow width, which gives it good S/B. –Interesting for itself, as one more hadronic measurement. Could be done at several energies. measurements not very high precision at Tevatron, so even “low” energy points from LHC startup are interesting. M = 1019 ± 2 (stat) MeV/c 2 =6.5 ± 0.7 (stat) MeV/c ->K + K - events vs μ N Φ /N h vs μ T. Alexopoulos, et al., Z. Phys. C. 67, (1995) Tevatron experiment E735, √s = 1.8 TeV
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)6 ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing TPC Tracking, dEdx TPC Tracking, dEdx TRD Electron ID TRD Electron ID TOF PID TOF PID HMPID PID high p t HMPID PID high p t PHOS , 0 PHOS , 0 MUON -pairs MUON -pairs PMD multiplicity PMD multiplicity The ALICE experiment ITS - Tracking, vertex finding and PID by dE/dx. Time Projection Chamber, used for tracking and particle identification (PID) by dE/dx. TRD – tracking and electron identification. TOF – Tracking and hadron identification by Time of Flight. ALICE studies both pp and Pb-Pb collisions.
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham) p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) TRD e / PHOS / TPC + ITS (dE/dx) /K K/p e / HMPID (RICH) TOF ALICE Particle Identification capabilities Particle ID from low to high momenta. ALICE can combine the single detector PID information. Alice uses ~ all known techniques!
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)8 Detector simulation & MC predictions The simulation of the pp (Pb-Pb) physics is generated by PYTHIA (HIJING). The output is then passed to the ALICE simulation and reconstruction algorithm – using the ALICE offline computing framework known as AliRoot. Results from fast-simulation (pp) and detailed simulation (Pb-Pb) are presented. PYTHIA’s prediction for pp mb at ALICE. Rapidity distribution for the meson at the generation level.
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)9 Background estimation A good estimation of the shape and size backgrounds is essential for the study of resonances measurement. Like-sign and mixed events are popular techniques. Both methods were implemented in AliRoot. Mass (GeV/c 2 ) PYTHIA pp 14 TeV cms energy 4 x 10 6 events – No PID was used. K + K - spectrum ~ 1 hr nominal run. Inv. Mass with no PID.
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)10 Background estimation (2) Same-event background Like-sign same-event Same-event background Like-sign same-event Same-event background Like-sign same-event Mixed event Either method works well. This agrees with reported results. Physical Review C (2005). K + K - spectrum Ratio of same-event background to Like-sign same event inv. Mass. 2 x 10 6 events. PYTHIA pp 14 TeV cms energy
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)11 Mass Same event Mixed event K + K + pairs K - K - pairs Background estimation (3) The ratio of same to mixed event for the K + K + and K - K - pairs. The signal can be obtained subtracting the background from either method. K + K + pairs K - K - pairs Ratio of Like-sign same event to mixed event mass distribution. PYTHIA pp 14 TeV cms energy 2 x 10 6 events.
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)12 Like-sign Signal – background subtracted PYTHIA pp 14 TeV cms energy ΦK+K-ΦK+K- 2 x10 6 PYTHIA mb pp events. Fast-simulation results. Perfect PID. Background subtracted Reconstructed mass and width consistent with generated. Number of found consistent with the number generated.
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)13 Results in Proton-Proton collisions with no PID PYTHIA mb 14 TeV cms energy ALICE should be able to measure the meson early in the LHC running - even before the PID system become available. Mass (GeV/c 2 ) 2.4<P t <2.6 GeV ΦK+K-ΦK+K- K + K - spectrum 4 x 10 6 events – No PID was used. ~ 1 hr nominal run. Inv. Mass with no PID. 2.4<P t <2.6 GeV
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)14 meson in Pb-Pb collisions 4,000 HIJING central Pb-Pb events. Detailed simulation method. Perfect PID ΦK+K-ΦK+K- K + K - spectrum HIJING 5.5 TeV ~ 1/2 min nominal run. Reconstructed transverse-momentum K - K + K + K -
24th June SQMDaniel Tapia Takaki (Birmingham)15 Conclusions The ALICE experiment will allow the study of resonances in great detail. It has excellent PID. A study of the meson in hadronic (and leptonic) decay channels will be possible. Like-sign and mixing-event were tested for background subtraction. They give consistent result. The analysis might be one of the first resonance measurements in ALICE because of its good S/B ratio. ALICE should be able to study the meson in pp collisions before the PID system become available. In Pb-Pb collisions the meson can also be measured (even with small statistics).