ESA Workshop: on a harmonized mixed-signal flow Gilles Foucard EN/STI/ECE
Outline Introduction Project presentation Roadmap Current status Conclusions
Introduction Workshop that took place at ESTEC on the 29/01/2015. CERN invited as observer. Digital ASICs Mature solutions exist Generic development & qualification is straightforward Analogue & Mixed-signal ASICs Involves varying consortium of companies Development efforts are repeated Long time development + risk of failure at late stage of the project No ESCC (European Space Components Coordination) qualified mixed-signal ASIC technology No ESCC qualified mixed-signal ASIC supply chain available today ITT (Invitation To Tender) AO7794 : Harmonized Mixed-Signal ASIC Flow
AO7794 in brief Topic: Evaluation and characterization of a harmonized mixed- signal ASIC flow Prime Contractor: ISD SA (GR). Integrated Systems Development Sub-contractors: Atmel France: no ITAR or any USA restrictions on their products Airbus VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd (FI) CSL (B) Centre Spatial de Liège 2 nd level sub-contractors: Astri Polska (PL) Duration: 2 years Kick-off meeting: October 2014
Scope and Expected Outcomes Propose solutions that will allow hardened Mixed-Signal ASICs to be realized. This includes: Hardened design kits Hardened design rules Adequate design flow (full Digital, full analogue, Analogue on top or Digital on top) Library of pre-qualified analogue and mixed functional-blocks that can be used in future designs Propose an ecosystem able to deliver hardened ASICs A business model A supply chain Project based on the digital 180nm (ATC18RHA) technology from Atmel converted to 150nm. Then, add mixed-signal features, high-voltage, 5V IO compatibility, etc
ITT requirements Process features CMOS based Number of metal layers: >=5 Number of poly layers: >=1 Capability for 5V compatible IO pads Gate density of RH digital library : >5 kgates/mm² Operating temperature range: -55C….125C ESD level: HBM 2kV (target 4 kV) HV capability (devices): (target >=28V) Radiation requirements Capability of a SEL free (LET of 60 MeV-cm2/mg, TID up to 100 krad) RH digital library Digital library and analogue blocks must be SEL free at an LET of 60 MeV-cm2/mg. Parameter drifts shall stay within specification at a minimal TID level of 100 krad. Analogue features and memory Capability of high density single and dual port SRAM memories (target>32 kbytes) Capability of Embedded NVM (target >32kbit) Capability of RH ADC and DAC with >10bit ENOB at >100kSps (target ADC/DAC operating at 100kSps/16ENOB, 1MSps/14ENOB, 10MSps/12ENOB and 100MSps/10ENOB) Capability of >100MHz RH PLL Quality aspects Commercially qualified (automotive, consumer, wireless, etc.) baseline Qualification capability of the flow: ESCC QML or QPL Reliability/lifetime of components > 15 years
Project phases Project in two phases: Phase 1 Task 1: Requirements review and consolidation (now) Task 2: Analogue and Mixed-Signal Design Kit for space ASICs Phase 2 Task 3: Design of evaluation test chip(s) Task 4: Manufacturing, packaging, electrical testing Task 5: Evaluation testing, radiation testing
Project roadmap Adapt digital 180nm ATC18RHA to 150nm + 5V IO compatibility => ATMX150RHA digital 5V 300MHz) Functional & radiation tests of ATMX150RHA digital Extended ATMX150RHA digital 300MHz) 15Q4: ATMX150RHA digital ready for flight 16Q1-4: Extended ATMX150RHA digital + radhard Analogue library Q4: Kick-off 14Q4->15Q1: Requirement review & consolidation 15Q2->Q3: Analogue & Mixed-Signal design kit for space ASICs 15Q3->16Q1: Detailed design of the evaluation test chips 16Q1->Q3: Manufacturing, packaging & electrical testing 16Q3->Q4: Radiation testing Atmel AO7794
Proposed IPs by Atmel & ISD FamilyFeaturesAvailability PLL MHz programmable VCONow, already used in ATC18RHA PLL MHz programmable VCOExists Xtal OSC 10MHz RC oscillatorExists Xtal OSC 45MHz RC oscillatorExists Xtal OSC Up to 20MHz – 1.8V – accuracy < 1%16Q1 (pre-qualified by Atmel) ADC 12bit 2MspsExists (hardened) ADC ΣΔ 24bit ΣΔ low-speed (96ksps)16Q1 (pre-qualified by Atmel) DAC 10bitExists DAC ΣΔ 24bit ΣΔ low-speed low-power (300ksps)16Q1 (pre-qualified by Atmel) Vcomp. Voltage comparator, supply=3.3V, (pre-qualified by Atmel) Vref Voltage reference, supply=3.3V, output: 1.21V/1.23V,1.26VExists MUX 8-channel Multiplexer 8:1Exists Vreg LDO Voltage regulator 5V down to 2.7V – Output 1.8V – 700mV Dropout Voltage – Now Conv DC-DC converter – 5V -> 2.5V – 300mA16Q1 (pre-qualified by Atmel) POR Power-On-Reset – Supply = 1.8V – Vth = 0.9V16Q1 (pre-qualified by Atmel)
Features & IPs requested by the partners TESAT MOSFET driver stage Non-volatile memory Capability to handle higher input voltages RUAG 10 to 50MHz small digital ASICs (data handling) 100 to 400MHz large digital ASICs (signal processing) Airbus Fast ADC (13 bits - 20MHz) & DAC (15 bits - 10MHz) Fast, low offset AOP
Conclusions This project aims at proposing tools and methodologies for companies to design their own analogue & mixed-signal integrated circuit based on: Design kit Design flow Pre-qualified analogue and mixed-signal IP blocks Project at its early stage (kick-off October 2014) Current stage: Selection of IPs to be Pre-qualified Business model definition Major identified problem: how to test analogue & mixed-signal blocks in an integrated circuit?
Thank you for your attention Any questions?