Encephalitis By Jonathan Cabeza
Common Name or Scientific Name No scientific Name Common Name: Encephalitis
Cause The cause of Encephalitis is unknown but the most common diagnosed caused is a viral infections. Encephalitis can be developed after or during an infection with any of several viral illness including: influenza, herpes, rabies, chickenpox and arbovirus.
Target Population About 1 in 200,000 people are diagnosed with Encephalitis in the United States. The people who are target by Encephalitis are children, elderly, and those with a weak immune system.
Where in the CNS The brain and spinal cord become inflamed within one or two weeks of contracting the virus.
How in the CNS The virus infects the person ( who becomes the host) by penetrating a cell membrane and injecting its genetic material ( either DNA or RNA) into the cell. The genetic material takes control of important cell processes and telling them to do more viruses. The cell ruptures which releases new viral particles that infect other cells.
Where and how in PNS Encephalitis is an infection that affects only the brain and spinal cord.
Symptoms Severe headache Fever Confusion or agitation Seizures Muscle Weakness Double vision Vomiting Memory loss
Prognosis In cases of arbovirus infection, symptoms goes away between 3-5 days and are resolved without becoming anything serious. In severe cases of encephalitis, the swelling of the brain put pressure on the brain stem. The brain stem controls vital functions such as: respiration and heartbeat. If the pressure becomes too severe then this functions can cease and cause death.
Vaccinations or treatment Vaccinations: There are differents vaccines that can help prevent encephalitis such as vaccines for: measles, varicella, influence, and etc. Treatment: The vital forms of encephalitis are not treatable. The primary objective is to lower the fever and ease the pain cause by the swelling of the brain.
Notable Case Liza Minnelli: Is an american actress and singer. She has been battling with encephalitis since 2000. Doctors has told her that she won't talk or walk again. She has suffered about 16 seizures.
Organizations The encephalitis society: Its mission is to make the lives of the people who suffered with encephalitis more comfortable. To raise awareness about the condition Conduct researches about the infection.
Resources http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/encephalitis/ Clinic, M. (05, May 2011). Encephalitis. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/encephalitis/ DS00226/DSECTION=symptoms Simon, H. (07, February 2012). Encephalitis. Retrieved from http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/ encephalitis/treatment.html