Where is the Centre of Hua Hin’s CBD? Aim The aim of this study is to locate the centre of Hua Hin’s Central Business District (CBD). In order to do this we need to know and understand the characteristics of a typical CBD.
Characteristics of CBD
Characteristics of a CBD
Map of the town centre
Some Possible Sites
Hypothesis to be tested What statement can you test to help you achieve your aim?
Methodology In order to test your hypothesis you will need to obtain certain fieldwork data. You will be split into a small group to collect it. At each of your 5 sites you will need to:
Land Use Survey Sketch map Photograph You should include all land use in a 15 metre square area (approx.). Note down any significant land users (eg multinational businesses). Record the height of each building (number of floors).
Land Use Survey Key Residential ---------------------------------------------------------------------R Industry and warehousing --------------------------------------------------I Commercial - Convenience goods (eg Grocery stores, ATM’s)-C1 Commercial - Comparison goods (eg Department stores, specialist shops, hotels & restaurants) --------------------------------C2 Public buildings ----------------------------------------------------------------P Open Space -------------------------------------------------------------------O Wats and other religious buildings --------------------------------------W
Traffic & Pedestrian Count Decide on a suitable time frame to count the vehicles and pedestrians. Produce a recording sheet to record the number of cars, commercial vehicles, taxis, buses and motorcycles passing in both directions. Produce another recording sheet to record the number of pedestrians twice (indigenous and foreign). Record the data for both traffic and pedestrians; Once before you do your land use survey, and Again, once you have completed it.
Presentation of Results: Annotated photos.
Presentation of Results: Land Use
Presentation of Results: Traffic Flows & Pedestrian Counts
Presentation of Results: Pedestrian Count
Presentation of Results: Land Values
Analysis & Conclusion You need to explain your results using the theory. You should return to your hypothesis. Do your results support it or not?
Evaluation Limitations Improvements
Limitations Time to do research Timing of data collection Sample size and techniques Equipment Inconsistency of data collection Out-dated secondary data Extent to which methodology was able to test the hypothesis
Improvements How could the limitations you have identified be reduced or removed? What modifications would have improved the quality of data collected?