CEUs: Delivering Quality Programs Across Texas Presented by Bret Hendricks and Bobbie Lawrence
TCA’s Online Application: Key Points CEU Applications MUST be completed online. You can access this online form at ONLY TCA Chapters and Divisions are eligible to apply and use TCA’s CEU provider number. All information MUST be submitted to TCA at least 30 business days prior to the program start day. This does not include scheduling for preliminary Chapter/Division proposal deadlines Each application is reviewed by the Past-President and/or the chair of the Ethics Committee (for programs offering Ethics credit) to ensure that the program meets the criteria established by the licensure/certification board(s). Completed attendance sheet from the workshop MUST be submitted to TCA within 10 business days of the program.
TCA’s Online Application: Program Information Learning Objectives: List at least 3 skills the audience will gain from the presentation *Measurable Outcomes: How will the audience learn what was presented (Q&A, group discussion, etc.) Program Summary: In 75 words or less, give key points and any benefits to attendees Bibliography of Resources: Should include title, author, publication name, date of publication of current resources (within 5 years). Ethics request must reference the MOST recent ethical codes. Presenter Resume/Credentials: Full resumes are required for the reviewers to determine if the presenter(s) are qualified to lead the subject program. Timed Agenda: Listing start/end times and breaks (if any). These times will allow the reviewer(s) to determine the number of CEU credits.
Once the CEU program has been submitted online: Program materials are reviewed by designated TCA staff member for key items (bibliography, resume(s), summary, learning objectives, etc.) Complete packets are sent to the Past-President and/or the chair of the Ethics Committee for review. Past-President and/or Ethics Committee Chair provide results to TCA staff. If additional information is required from the program requester, TCA staff will coordinate communications between requesters and reviewers. Once the program has been approved, TCA staff will create the official approval letter for the TCA Executive Director to review and sign. TCA’s Online Application: Submission & Approval Process
Submission & Approval Process – cont’d After approval letter has been officiated, TCA staff will forward the following to the program requester: o Signed approval letter o CEU certificate to provide to event attendees o Program evaluation form o Attendance sheet TCA Staff will post the program on the TCA website at
Top 5 Reasons Programs are Rejected Incomplete Proposals: o Missing resumes, bibliographies, timed agendas Objectives not clearly listed Timed agenda does not correspond with the number of CEUs being requested Presenters are not qualified to lead workshops Non-compliance with submission deadlines
Tips to Prevent Your Request From Stalling For multi-session workshops, list each program and its title separately For ethics presentations, be sure to use the most current Code of Ethics Check the presenter(s) credentials to insure they are qualified to lead a session for CEU credit. Include current resume(s) for each presenter Review LPC Rules for criteria related to continuing education Allow additional time for breaks in your schedule. For every 3hrs of class time at least one 15 minute break is required Do a final review of your request prior to clicking the “Submit” button. Review the TCA Calendar of Events for Conference Dates