-Data: School level registers, MDM Registers Head Teachers, Schools level MDM functionaries Observation of the monitoring team 1 -hot cooked meal daily 2 -Extent of variation –enrolment -attendance 3-receiving food grains regularly 4-food stock in the schools 12/22/20152
5 - food grains delivered at the school -Civil Supplies Corporation delivers rice at the school 6-cooking cost in advance regularly -cost of cooking is borne the UT administration -cook is appointed for every school on regular basis at the pay scale of Group D salary 12/22/20153
- salary for the Helpers and the other costs of cooking are given to schools by the District Panchayat -no delay in paying the cooking cost -cooking cost is paid in cash 7-SOCIAL EQUITY- ST Muslims 8-VARIETY OF MENU 12/22/20154
9- schools do have a menu -But it is not displayed out side. -do have problem in procuring the food articles from the mainland. The menu consists of A-Rice plus beef curry B-Rice plus Egg curry C-Rice plus Fish curry D-Rice plus dal curry plus pickles E-Rice plus chicken curry and F-Rice plus dal plus vegetables 12/22/20155
10- QUALITY & QUANTITY OF MEAL -children are happy with the quality of the meals -The children are happy with the quantity of the meals 11-micronutrients (Iron, folic acid, vitamin – A dosage) -are supplied occasionally 12/22/20156
12- Health card is available, but not maintained well 13- STATUS OF COOKS Most of the schools have appointed cooks and helpers -cooks are appointed on regular basis and paid at the rate of Group D salary - Remuneration is paid to the cooks and helpers regularly with out any delay 12/22/20157
14- Social Composition of cooks /helpers All belong to ST Muslims 15- INFRASTRUCTURE: -pucca kitchen shed is available -Store room available -water is supplied to all schools through pipes by the municipality -adequate utensils for cooking food and serving 12/22/20158
-cold storage facility avialable- requested -overhead tanks provided (ssa) 12/22/20159
THANKS 12/22/201510