Auxiliary Verbs Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ July 15, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Auxiliary Verbs Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ July 15, 2011

What was your first semester at university like? What was your first week at university like? earningenglish/general/expresseng lish/2011/07/110707_ee_university.s html

It was exciting because they had a new life ahead of them. It was good to feel independent and free. Getting acquainted with new people was great. For some people it was a bit scary!

Auxiliary Verbs (助動詞) The verbs be, have and do when they are used with a main verb to form questions, negatives, tenses, passive forms, etc. Modal verbs are also auxiliary verbs. A group of verbs (can, could, dare, may, might, must, need, ought to, shall, should, will, would, used to) that give information about such things as possibility, necessity, and obligation.

Oxford English Dictionary a verb used in forming the tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs. The primary auxiliary verbs in English are be, do, and have; the modal auxiliaries are can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would.

You may disturb us. = It is possible that you'll disturb us. You may disturb us. = You are allowed to disturb us. willmaycanmust 視点 認識的 意味 蓋然性・ 予測 可能性 必然性話者 義務的 意味 意志許可 能力・許 可 義務 文の 主語

willmaycanmust 視点 認識的 意味 ~だろう ~かも しれな い ありうる ~にち がいな い 話者 義務的 意味 ~するつ もりだ ~して もよい ~できる しなけ ればな らない 文の 主語

Exercise 2 (pp.40-41) (1) My father (teach / teaches / teaching) Korean in Yokohama. (2) “(Would / Does / Are) you like something to drink?” – “Yes, I (would / does / am). (3) “(Do / Does / Did) you go to school yesterday?” -- “Yes, we (do / does / did).”

(4) “(Do / Does / Is) he live in Tokyo?” -- “No, he (don’t / doesn’t / isn’t).” (5) You (may / can / must) be careful when you go abroad. (6) “(Shall / Will / Can) I open the window?” – “Yes, (please / do / shall).

(7) “(Must / Shall / May) I come in?” – “Yes, you (must / shall / may).” (8) “Shall (we / you / they) go to the party?” – “Yes, (Iet’s / shall / will).”

BBC GRAMMAR CHALLENGE Must / mustn’t “Must is a word that is used to talk about an obligation, something you have to do, like following a law or a rule. In this programme we look at how to use this word and its negative form, mustn't.” ngenglish/radio/specials/1435_gramchall enge19/

Practice Quiz 1 Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings by dragging the arrows. Click 'check' to check the quiz. If you have made some mistakes, click 'try again'! Practice Quiz 2 For each of the six questions click on the correct answer to complete the sentences. When you have selected the correct answer, click on the 'next' button to go to the next question.

Answers to Quiz 1 1 ⇒ d. Don't tell anyone. You must keep it a secret. 2 ⇒ f. Ssh! It's an exam. You mustn't talk. 3 ⇒ h. I haven't been to the dentist in ages. I must go and have a check-up soon. 4 ⇒ c. If you know anything about the robbery, you must go to the police. 5 ⇒ a. If you want to visit the USA, you must have the right visa. 6 ⇒ e. We want the party to be a surprise for her. You mustn't tell her about it. 7 ⇒ g. It's the doctor's orders. You must stay in bed until you're better. 8 ⇒ b. When you next see your brother, you mustn't forget to give him my best.

Conversation Practice 1 They Really Can’t Decide Pay attention to the usage of “might” This practice requires your fertile imagination ^^

Model Dialogue 1 A: When are you going to clean your apartment? B: I don’t know. I might clean it today, or I might clean it next Saturday. I really can’t decide.

Model Dialogue 2 A: Where are you going to go for your vacation? B: We don’t know. We might go to Mexico, or we might go to Japan. We really can’t decide.

1 A: What is he going to cook tonight? B: I don’t know. He might cook curry, or he might cook beef stew. He really can’t decide.

Conversation Practice 2 Bicycles Are Safer Than Motorcycles Pay attention to the usage of “should” You can review comparative expressions

Model Dialogue 1 A: Should I buy a bicycle or a motorcycle? B: I think you should buy a bicycle. A: Why?* B: Bicycles are safer than motorcycles.

Model Dialogue 2 A: Should he study English or Latin? B: I think he should study English. A: Why?* B: English is more useful than Latin.

Why? Why do you say that? What makes you say that? How come?

Exercise 3 (1) もっと犬の面倒を見た方がいいですよ You [more dog take care of had better your]. (2) 私は来年留学しようと思います。 I [next year study abroad am going to]. (3) スーザンは入り口で身分証明書を提示 しなければならなかった。 Suzan [gate at ID show had to her the].

(1) もっと犬の面倒を見た方がいいですよ You had better take more care of your dog. (2) 私は来年留学しようと思います。 I am going to study abroad next year. (3) スーザンは入り口で身分証明書を提示 しなければならなかった。 Suzan had to show her ID at the gate. *ID = identity card

(4) あなたはそれをしない方が良いかもし れませんね。 It [you it do not may better be for to]. (5) 塩を取っていただけませんか。 Would [salt pass me the you]? (6) あなたは支払いをする必要はありませ んよ。 You [pay for it need not].

(4) あなたはそれをしない方が良いかもし れませんね。 It may be better for you not to do it. (5) 塩を取っていただけませんか。 Would you pass me the salt? (6) あなたは支払いをする必要はありませ んよ。 You need not pay for it.

(7) 私はその授業に出席する必要はなかっ た。 I [class attend have to didn’t the]. (8) ジェニーは耳を澄ませたが、なんの音 も聞こえなかった。 Jenny [listened but any sound hear could not to].

(7) 私はその授業に出席する必要はなかっ た。 I didn’t have to attend the class. (8) ジェニーは耳を澄ませたが、なんの音 も聞こえなかった。 Jenny listened to, but could not hear any sound.

BBC GRAMMAR CHALLENGE Have to / don’t have to “Sometimes in life there are obligations or rules. There are things which you do not have a choice in, like wearing a uniform at school, for example. One structure we use to talk about these rules is have to. This programme is all about have to and its negative form, don't have to. Don't have to is used when there is no obligation to do something.” ngenglish/radio/specials/1425_gramchall enge18/

Practice Quiz 1 Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings by dragging the arrows. Click 'check' to check the quiz. If you have made some mistakes, click 'try again'! Practice Quiz 2 In each question there is a sentence which has 5 words missing. Drag and drop the correct words from each list to complete the sentences. Be careful, for each question there are two words which are not used.

各自で学習しておいてくだ さい 第8章 問題2 問題3 問題4

Chapter 8 Answer Keys 2. (1) well, (2) big, (3) less populous (4) brighter, (5) faster, (6) the largest (7) the shortest, (8) the better

3. (1) Germany is as large as Japan. (2) Time is as important as money. (3) Truth is stranger than fiction. (4) Gold is much more precious than silver. (5) Reading books is more useful for students than watching television.

(6) Chinese is easier for Japanese to study. (7) Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world. (8) Picasso is the most famous of the twentieth century painters.

4. (1) The earth is larger than the moon. (2) Kabuki is not as formal as Noh. (3) San Marino is older than any other republic in the world. (4) Giraffes are the tallest of all animals.

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