6Px 25 Hongongoi 2014 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and roll The importance of starting well Set Unit 9 for HW and set a due date How to stay on track for November Use the semi-circular blocks to confirm Snell’s law How light behaves when it “impinges” at an angle AND square on Use the semi-circular blocks backwards to investigate T.I.R. What T.I.R. is, what causes it, what the critical angle is and how to find that. Set unit 10 for HW, set a due date and, if time, have some HRT How to make good use of time.
HW item Skills practiced Waves: unit 6 Due Monday the 23 rd of June Reflection of light from plane mirrors Waves: unit 7 Due Tuesday the 22 nd of July Reflection of light from curved mirrors. Ray diagrams only Waves: unit 8 Due Thurs 31 st of July 2014 Des Cartes’s formula for curved mirrors Practice Assessment - Waves Due Pd 5 Fri 8 th of August 2014 All of light and waves Waves: unit 9 Due Tuesday 5 th of August Snell’s Law Waves: unit 10 Due Zenday 37 th of Octember T.I.R. and the critical angle
No. of marks What for 1 Having sketches and FULL working 1 Neat presentation and down-page format 1 Answer underlined and units given 1 Self marked and all correct – eventually 1 In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports