Rules –Ways You Behave 1.Do what is right. 2.Do your best. 3.Treat others how you would want to be treated.
Basic Student Responsibilities Keep track of your own books and assignments Start your work on time and allow time to finish. Ask for help when you need it. Do your own work. Complete your work on time. Accept responsibility for grades and other consequences. Keep up with your homework calendar.
When YOU CHOOSE To Break A Rule Verbal Warning Demerit Teacher Detention (15 minutes after school) Kicked out of class
When YOU CHOOSE To Break A Rule, Mrs. Yelton will: 1. Ask 2. Tell 3. Make
Words to Use to Help Others We don’t do that here! This is how we do it.
Mrs. Yelton Family Education Experience Hometown Interests
Mrs. Yelton’s Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Yelton’s classroom! Hopefully everyone can work together to have a great experience in room 303!
Forward I am here to teach; you are here to learn. I will do my job; you will do yours, and we will together use our time together wisely and beneficially. A positive attitude is the key of success. Let’s keep it all the time.
Why Have Procedures? A procedure is the way that we do things. –To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures, for example: So, to be successful in learning, you need to follow some simple procedures.
Getting Class’ Attention Clicker Ch, ch, ch Bell Smiley Face Dinger Silly Pairs!
Entering the Classroom Make sure you have all of the materials for this class. You must be in the class when the bell rings. Enter the classroom quietly. Go directly to your assigned seat. Write down learning targets in ??? and put your homework on your MBA calendar.
Entering the Classroom continued You may bring water bottles, which are especially helpful during warm weather. Be careful with your backpack and try to hook it to your chair so people don’t trip over it. You may chew gum unless it becomes a problem. Please put wrappers and finished gum in the trash can. If you crack your gum or blow bubbles, you will have to throw it away.
Technology You must have permission to use your computer. You may not use it whenever you want. You must close your computer or close it at a 45 degree angle when you are not using it in class. When you finish your work, you may use the computer on teacher approved sites or activities.
Technology continued If you are caught with the incorrect work on your screen, you will get a demerit. If you are caught again, you will get a referral for inappropriate use of technology. You must charge your MBA every night. If the battery is dead, you will get a demerit, but you will be allowed to charge it in the classroom.
Leaving the Classroom During Class You must take a pass and sign out. The passes are hanging on the metal areas by the door. Please return the passes to the correct spot. Only one student can leave the room at a time. Please try to take care of your restroom and drink needs between classes or at lunch. You will get a demerit for going to your locker if you forget something. If using the restroom becomes a class problem, then, if you go during class, you must come back to the room for 3 minutes after school.
Leaving the Classroom at the End of Class The bell doesn’t dismiss the class. Mrs. Yelton does. Keep out materials until I say the lesson is over. Clean up the area around you. Push in your chair when you have permission to leave, and leave quietly. The last class of the day should put the chairs on the desks. Wait until the bell rings to put up your chair. If you try to put up your chair early, you will get a demerit.
Homework Policy Homework is due on the date given by the teacher. It is posted in Schoology. If you don’t have your homework on the day that it is due, you will have to stay after school for 15 minutes to work on it. If you don’t finish it when you stay after, then you must finish it that night and return it the next day. If you don’t have the work the next day, you will go to Academic Saturday to complete it. If you don’t stay after school, you’ll get a referral. YOU DON’T HAVE THE OPTION OF NOT DOING YOUR HOMEWORK.
Materials in Classroom Look at the glass on the side of the door to find out which materials you will need for class. In Reading, always bring your computer, your orange folder, your composition notebook, pencils or pens, and a book to read. In Language Arts, bring your computer, your blue folder, your composition notebook, pencils or pens, and a book to read. When you do not have a book, or materials, you will get a demerit. You may only use black or blue ink when you use pens. You can use fun pens for grading and note taking. Ask permission to sharpen your pencil. You may sharpen it when you come to class, but you need to ask first. Use a quiet sharpener during quiet times.
Materials in the Classroom continued Crayons and markers are on the built-in shelves by the door. Colored pencils are on the blue dictionary cart. Separate markers, glue sticks, individual and electric pencil sharpeners, tape, an electric stapler, and scissors are available on the shelves by the bookshelves. One pencil sharpener is on the blue dictionary cart.
More Materials Information Remember that the classroom materials belong to all of us. Please keep them in the classroom. Hand Sanitizer: Use this at appropriate times, not when Mrs. Yelton is in the middle of a large group discussion or is talking to the whole class. Please use after you use a tissue. Band-Aids are on a corner of my desk. Please ask before taking one, and get more if you use the last one.
In the Classroom Extra copies of papers are in the baskets on the side table and on Schoology. When you talk during announcements you will get a demerit. You don’t need permission to get or throw away tissues. You can throw away other trash if Mrs. Yelton isn’t working with the whole class. There are trash cans next to Mrs. Yelton’s desk, near the front door, and next to the bookshelves. The blue one by the bookshelves is for pencil shavings, candy wrappers, and little things.
Finished with Your Work? If you are finished with your work, you must do late work, do Reading or Language Arts work, read a book, or work on your computer on a teacher allowed activity. You are not allowed to talk, socialize, or waste time.
Turning in Work Make sure your name is on your paper!!! No names will be on the “Orphans Please Adopt” area on the closet by the door. Carefully put your work in the yellow organizer on top of the bookshelf to the right of the filing cabinets. Be sure to put it in the slot of your period number. The front of the paper should be showing.
Absenteeism You are responsible for making up work you miss when you are absent. DO NOT USE THE EXCUSE OF, “I DIDN’T DO IT BECAUSE I WAS ABSENT.” When someone is absent, the Absentee Assistant will fill out a paper listing the information that happened in class. He or she will put the paper in the hanging chart of papers to go home. You will find that paper the next day. Ask if you don’t see it. You will have 2 days for each day that you are absent, to complete the work you missed.
Passing Out Graded Papers Graded papers are in the hanging file on the right end of the white board. Two students will have the job of Paper People, and they will hand out the papers when they enter the classroom.
Unfinished and See Me Work If your paper says “Finish,” at the top, you must finish the paper and return it the next day. If your paper says “See Me,” at the top, you need to see Mrs. Yelton at an appropriate time, and she will help you.
Getting Help When in doubt, look about! Ask 3 before me! Raise your hand instead of yelling out!
Sign Language Use sign language when raising your hand. The main ones to use are, “I have a question,” “I have a comment,” “Volunteer,” and “I’m ignoring you.”
Interruptions Telephone – You can answer the phone if you are closer to it than Mrs. Yelton. Please say, “Mrs. Yelton’s Class.” Visitors – You continue to work or talk quietly. Remember rules and procedures.
Classroom Library If you would like to check out a book from the classroom library, you need to check it out using the form on the end of the shelves. Please put books into a slot. Don’t just lay them on a shelf.
Teacher’s Desk The materials and supplies on Mrs. Yelton’s desk belong to her. Please do not touch anything without permission.
Lunch Procedures Line up in alphabetical order. Each day, the person who was in the front yesterday will go to the back of the line.. The last person in line should close the door. Walk quietly on the right side of the hallway. You will receive a demerit if you talk going downstairs or upstairs.