Welcome to Mrs. Messner’s Training PowerPoint
Mrs. Messner About Myself About Myself Shamokin Graduate Shamokin Graduate Activities in High School Activities in High School Excited to get to know you Excited to get to know you
Respect Show respect to everyone Show respect to everyone Teacher- Refer to me as Mrs. Messner Teacher- Refer to me as Mrs. Messner When I talk, you are listening When I talk, you are listening Raise hand to talk Raise hand to talk Others- Only encourage each other Others- Only encourage each other No gossiping and talking about others No gossiping and talking about others Keep your hands to yourself and your property Keep your hands to yourself and your property Yourself- Have a positive attitude. Yourself- Have a positive attitude. YOU CAN SUCCEED! YOU CAN SUCCEED! Try your best! Try your best!
Procedure for starting class Be Prepared for class Be Prepared for class Bring pencils, (No pens for math work) Bring pencils, (No pens for math work) math book, binder, tablets, and agenda. math book, binder, tablets, and agenda. Come on time. Come on time. Get materials ready. Get materials ready. Complete bell ringer and wait for instructions Complete bell ringer and wait for instructions
Fun Time vs. Serious Time Excited to get to know you Excited to get to know you Time for fun and time to work Time for fun and time to work When I say it’s time to work, stop talking and listen for instructions When I say it’s time to work, stop talking and listen for instructions Activities- must cooperate or they will stop Activities- must cooperate or they will stop
Classroom Expectations Define Expectation Define Expectation Be active and participate during the class Be active and participate during the class If you don’t understand or need help… If you don’t understand or need help… First, ask a peer; then ask me. First, ask a peer; then ask me. Cell phones must be off and out of site. Cell phones must be off and out of site. If you miss a class, ask a peer AND check e-schoolbook If you miss a class, ask a peer AND check e-schoolbook
Location of Materials Bell ringer Bell ringer Whiteboards and calculators Whiteboards and calculators Books and binders Books and binders
Rules for Whiteboards They are for math only. They are for math only. Do not draw or write anything that does not have to do with the math problem. Do not draw or write anything that does not have to do with the math problem. Afterwards, make sure the caps on the markers are on tight. Afterwards, make sure the caps on the markers are on tight.
Restrooms Time to ask to use the restroom Time to ask to use the restroom Before class starts (before bell rings) Before class starts (before bell rings) During independent work During independent work Must have agenda to use the restroom Must have agenda to use the restroom One person at a time One person at a time
Binder and Notebook Rules Keep all of your math work (homework and classwork) in the notebook of the binder Keep all of your math work (homework and classwork) in the notebook of the binder Write the date, the page number, and question numbers at the top of each page of the assignment Write the date, the page number, and question numbers at the top of each page of the assignment You may keep binders in the class if all your work in finished You may keep binders in the class if all your work in finished Take care of the binder Take care of the binder Do not write or draw on it Do not write or draw on it If you do, you will replace it If you do, you will replace it
Consequences IF STUDENTS FAIL TO COMPLY WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THIS CLASSROOM, Mrs. Messner will: 1. Retrain the student. 1. Retrain the student. 2. Contact the student’s parent(s). 2. Contact the student’s parent(s). 3. Submit a disciplinary form to the office. 3. Submit a disciplinary form to the office.
Success Every element of success requires work. If it is something you want, then you have to go out and work at it. It’s convenient to be mediocre. -Mario Andretti, 1994