Welcome Back! Mrs. Marshall Pod B Room 2 6 th Grade English Language Arts Classroom Rules and Procedures
Correct Heading/Do Now: Correct heading Right hand corner, your number. First and last name (left) Date (across from name on right) Under name, ELA Under Date, Period Do Now: Fill in the information on your notecard: Name Mother/Father last name if different from your name. Address Phone Number Birthday.
STARS S – Sit up straight. T – Track the speaker with your eyes. A – Always be prepared. R – Respect at all times. S – Smile, we are going to work hard, but have fun!
Lining up to enter the classroom: Think of the word HALLS H – Hands to yourself. A – All eyes forward. L – Lips Zipped. L – Legs moving safely. S - Silent
Homework Homework will always be written on the small white board by the door. Homework is always due the next day, UNLESS otherwise stated. When you enter the classroom, take your homework out, place it on the corner of your desk. Please make sure you have the correct heading, and your number on the paper. Late homework loses ten points. After three late assignments, a parent contact is made. Lunch detention is at the teacher’s discretion. YOUR HOMEWORK MUST BE WRITTEN IN YOUR AGENDA EVERY DAY. YOU MUST HAVE A JUST RIGHT BOOK WITH YOU EVERY DAY!
Bathroom Students may go to the restroom without asking if the teacher IS NOT TEACHING! During independent work time, sign out, take the pass. When you return, sign back in and replace the pass. If the pass is gone, you have to wait until the pass is returned. Only one student out at a time. If you have an emergency, raise your hand with crossed fingers. Wait for the teacher’s nod and then go quickly to the restroom. IF YOU ABUSE THE BATHROOM POLICY, YOU WILL LOSE THE PRIVELAGE.
Accelerated Reader Students will read their independent book each night for at least 20 minutes. Students will need to keep a daily log. The log should be signed every Thursday by a parent. One signature for the week. When a student finishes a book, they should take an Accelerated Reader Test. Tests may be taken during homeroom and during independent work time. If you need to take a test, write your name on the board. When done with the test, check your name off. Students will have a reading goal every marking period. The percentage of the goal met will be a project grade.
Pencils and Papers Sharpening Pencils: If you need to sharpen your pencil you may do so if I am not teaching. If I am teaching, raise your pencil in the air, I will take your pencil and replace it with a new pencil. Pen in blue or black is acceptable. Passing out papers: The papers will be given the first person in each row. They will take one and pass the rest back. Passing in papers: The last person in each row will collect the papers and give them to the teacher.
Class Schedule When you enter there will always be a Do Now on the board for spelling. If you finish the Do Now then you can read your independent book. Each day you will need your binder, your homework folder, agenda and pen or pencil/red marking pen, highlighter. After spelling, there will be a grammar lesson, so you will need your grammar book daily. The remainder of class time will devoted to reading and writing. Therefor, you will need to bring either the novel or the text book depending on the story and unit. Each class will end with a “ticket out”…..
Lockers You will go once in the morning, before lunch, after lunch and at the end of the day. If you forget anything in your locker, you will NOT be able to go get it. Please make sure you have everything you need for your fist two classes. It makes it easier if you color code your folders and organize them in your lockers. That way you know what to grab for the morning, and what to get for the afternoon. You only have ONE locker. Do not tell your combination to anyone.