HW #2- 1.1.2: 11, 13-15 HW #3- 1.1.3: 18-22 Week 2, Day One Agenda Homework Corrections/TOC Collection Notes: Mean Activity - Guess My Number Warm UpHomework.


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Presentation transcript:

HW # : 11, HW # : Week 2, Day One Agenda Homework Corrections/TOC Collection Notes: Mean Activity - Guess My Number Warm UpHomework Answers Find the area and perimeter for each of the following shapes: A. B. Record problems you missed on TOC. 11. a) P=20.5 in, A=15 in 2 b) P=61.4 cm, A=210 cm 2 c) P=22 yd, A=21 yd Answers vary. You must have an explanation , -3.5, -3, …, 0, 0.5, 1,…5 15. a) Maria’s number is 3. b) How did you do it?

Homework Questions? Correct your own homework. Be sure to use red pen to write in correct answers and circle your mistakes.

Week 1 Homework Collection On Day 1 of each week, you will turn in your TOC from the week before. Check that you have filled out your TOC with your name, class, and the week. If you were absent for any of the classes last week, write “Absent” in the space for the warm-up for that day. You must still fill in the assignment information.

Week 1 Homework Collection Check to see that you have a stamp for each homework (Last week I did not stamp HW#1.) If you are missing a stamp, staple the completed assignment to the back of your TOC. – Late assignments will receive up to 70% for turning them in today. If you were absent, you should have received a stamp upon your return. You do not need to attach stamped homework. – Unexcused late assignments from last week turned in later than today will receive up to 50%. – You may turn in HW#2 tomorrow for up to 70%.

Week 1 Homework Collection Pass last week’s TOC to one person in your team. Turn in the TOCs to the colored cardboard class turn-in box located on the front counter to the left of the room.

Closer: Day 1 What was your strategy for the “Guess My Number” activity today?