Strong as a Buck
Meet The Team Warn Wilson John Clark Dre Crumbly Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering
Meet The Team Microelectronics & Optoelectronics Wildlife Nutrition & Physiology Wildlife Fisheries & Aquaculture
Overview Problem Our Solution Constraints Approach Progress To Date Timeline
Problem What determines the reproductive success of white-tailed deer? Age? Antler Size? Nutritional Status? Strength?
Our Solution Strong as a Buck Measures force User friendly Easy to read display Store measurements into memory
Technical Constraints NameDescription Force CapacityThe device must be able to withstand 683 pounds (lbs) of force. Battery LifeThe battery life of the device must be hours. Conversion RateThe analog-to-digital converter (ADC) must have a conversion rate of 9.6 kilohertz (kHz). AccuracyThe device must account for ± 5% of combined error of output of the load cell. MemoryThe device must have 1 gigabyte (GB) of flash memory in order to provide ample memory space for the saved data.
Practical Constraints Environmental Must not damage the facility Must not harm the deer Must be mobile enough to move in and out of the pens
Practical Constraints Sustainability Must maintain sufficient structural integrity Must be durable enough to be used for repeated application.
Approach 3 Sensors For Each Antler Amplifier Microcontroller Display Memory
Approach Arduino Mega 2560Raspberry PiBeagleBone Price$45$35$89 Clock Speed16MHz700MHz Min. Power.3 Watts3.5 Watts.85 Watts Digital Pins54866
Approach Beam Load CellPlatform Load CellCompression Load Cell Price$300$740$60 Weight Range10-5,000 lbs.7, ,000 lbs lbs.
Progress to Date
Software Testing Hardware Components Rig Design Current Stage
Timeline AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Research Hardware Software Testing & Debugging Working Prototype