Plummer Elementary Counseling Program
Contact Information Phone-(972) ext 5910 Fax-(972) Watch for information in the monthly newsletter and on the website
Classroom Guidance Lessons Counselor Introduction and How to Have a Successful School Year Anti-Harassment/No Bullying Lesson Character Education Lessons Higher Education Lesson Career Lesson/Activities
Activities throughout the Year PALS(Helpers for new students) Career Day Red Ribbon/Character Counts Week College Week Orientation to Joe Wilson Intermediate Food 4 Kids Snack Backpack Program Plummer Ambassadors
What does a School Counselor do? Teaches the school developmental guidance curriculum. Counsels with students individually and in small groups about their concerns. Consults with parents and teachers to enhance their work with students. Coordinates with school and community personnel to bring together resources for students. Uses student data and test results to help students. –????????????????????????????
Parent Programs Introduction to the Counseling Department Bullying Information for Parents- TBA- Watch for the date
I am also available to meet with parents to review test scores, academic concerns and behavioral concerns. Together we can help you child succeed! Don’t hesitate to contact me.
Big Brother Big Sister Mentor Program School- Based Program- During the school year have lunch one day a week Community-Based Program-Meet weekly out side of school to have fun Both programs are in need of your assistance!