Budapest /08/2001 Annual Report of the European Regional Focal Point. Dominique PLANCHENAULT
Budapest /08/2001 Introduction. Creation of an ERFP within the framework of the FAO’s Gobal Strategy on AnGR. The Steering Committee was formed for 1 year: France, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom. France hosts the ERFP secretariat for 4 years. After the 6 th workshop. 1 Letter is sent to the different governments with proposed terms of reference and organisational structure for a national pledge to fund the ERFP. For the ERFP to be created, at least 10 donor countries had to contribute to the Trust Fund.
Budapest /08/2001 Introduction. Terms of reference 2 To assist and enhance the AnGR activities of NFP at the European level and to assist in coordinating those activities within and between other European organisations. To stimulate the funding and organisation of regional projects, workshops and national programmes on AnGR within the European Region. To develop and maintain regular contact and exchange between NFPs and FAO. To stimulate and coordinate the maintenance and further development of national databases within the European Region.
Budapest /08/ Annual meeting of NFPs. The Steering Committee. To bring together all NCs annually. To exchange information on national and sub-regional activities. To decide on ERFP budget, Steering Committee and Secretariat and the future activities. To be advised by technical, political and organisational experts. 5 members including representatives of each of European sub-regions. To plan or execute activities, to represent the ERFP. To ensure that decisions are not taken against the majority of countries. The Secretariat. To execute decisions, make proposals and distribute relevant information Organisational structure. Introduction.
Budapest /08/ 38 contacted countries. The ERFP is now operational. National pledge to fund ERFP. Introduction. 27 answers. 27 countries support ERFP creation. 10 countries cannot finance ERFP. 7 countries need more time for governmental discussions. 10 countries accept to fund ERFP. Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Budapest /08/2001 Regional Projects. 5 th Framework Programme. 1 A European Network of Databases on Farm Animal Diversity (ENDFAB) submitted in 1999 – refused on May Same proposal submitted in February 2001 – received by Commission Service after the cut-off date. Automatically transferred to the next evaluation round (October 2001). A European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System (EFABIS) submitted in 2000 – refused on December 2000.
Budapest /08/2001 Risk Status New Council Regulation 1257/99. 1 After the 6 th workshop, the NCs from EU sent a letter to the European Commissioner for Agriculture. Proposals are made to support conservation beyond the scope of directive 1257/99. ERFP asked the EAAP WG-AnGR to prepare as soon as possible new criteria. A meeting is organized to discuss about the new criteria to evaluate the risk of extinction. Meeting in Brussels (6 th November 2000), the Member State gave a unique proposal. The Commission conserves its position. No agreement can be obtained..
Budapest /08/2001 Proposals for ERFP budget. 1 DesignationAmount (€) Countries participation Brussels meeting NCs Workshop (7 – 8) Invitations (10) ERFP Newsletter European Database Additional Costs Projects / Programmes Financial fees Working funds CHARGES
Budapest /08/2001 Proposals for ERFP decisions. 2 The Steering Committee. The 8 th NCs Workshop. The ERFP Newsletters. Others actions and programmes. Sources of information on breeds. Help to national databases. Study of similar breeds in different countries.. Common cryoconservation programmes.. Course training in animal diversity conservation and utilisation..
Budapest /08/2001 Proposals for Training Course. 3 Distribution of breed resources. Basic genetics and data management. Present approaches for conservation. Objectives and costs of conservation and valorisation. Conservation strategies and objectives. Countries examples. Animal diversity conservation and utilisation.
Budapest /08/2001 I thank you for your attention.