Budapest 24 -25/08/2001 Annual Report of the European Regional Focal Point. Dominique PLANCHENAULT.


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Presentation transcript:

Budapest /08/2001 Annual Report of the European Regional Focal Point. Dominique PLANCHENAULT

Budapest /08/2001 Introduction.  Creation of an ERFP within the framework of the FAO’s Gobal Strategy on AnGR.  The Steering Committee was formed for 1 year: France, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom.  France hosts the ERFP secretariat for 4 years. After the 6 th workshop. 1  Letter is sent to the different governments with proposed terms of reference and organisational structure for a national pledge to fund the ERFP.  For the ERFP to be created, at least 10 donor countries had to contribute to the Trust Fund.

Budapest /08/2001 Introduction. Terms of reference 2  To assist and enhance the AnGR activities of NFP at the European level and to assist in coordinating those activities within and between other European organisations.  To stimulate the funding and organisation of regional projects, workshops and national programmes on AnGR within the European Region.  To develop and maintain regular contact and exchange between NFPs and FAO.  To stimulate and coordinate the maintenance and further development of national databases within the European Region.

Budapest /08/  Annual meeting of NFPs.  The Steering Committee.  To bring together all NCs annually.  To exchange information on national and sub-regional activities.  To decide on ERFP budget, Steering Committee and Secretariat and the future activities.  To be advised by technical, political and organisational experts.  5 members including representatives of each of European sub-regions.  To plan or execute activities, to represent the ERFP.  To ensure that decisions are not taken against the majority of countries.  The Secretariat.  To execute decisions, make proposals and distribute relevant information Organisational structure. Introduction.

Budapest /08/  38 contacted countries.  The ERFP is now operational. National pledge to fund ERFP. Introduction.  27 answers.  27 countries support ERFP creation.  10 countries cannot finance ERFP.  7 countries need more time for governmental discussions.  10 countries accept to fund ERFP. Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Budapest /08/2001 Regional Projects. 5 th Framework Programme. 1  A European Network of Databases on Farm Animal Diversity (ENDFAB) submitted in 1999 – refused on May  Same proposal submitted in February 2001 – received by Commission Service after the cut-off date.  Automatically transferred to the next evaluation round (October 2001).  A European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System (EFABIS) submitted in 2000 – refused on December 2000.

Budapest /08/2001 Risk Status New Council Regulation 1257/99. 1  After the 6 th workshop, the NCs from EU sent a letter to the European Commissioner for Agriculture. Proposals are made to support conservation beyond the scope of directive 1257/99.  ERFP asked the EAAP WG-AnGR to prepare as soon as possible new criteria. A meeting is organized to discuss about the new criteria to evaluate the risk of extinction.  Meeting in Brussels (6 th November 2000), the Member State gave a unique proposal. The Commission conserves its position. No agreement can be obtained..

Budapest /08/2001 Proposals for ERFP budget. 1 DesignationAmount (€) Countries participation Brussels meeting NCs Workshop (7 – 8) Invitations (10) ERFP Newsletter European Database Additional Costs Projects / Programmes Financial fees Working funds CHARGES

Budapest /08/2001 Proposals for ERFP decisions. 2  The Steering Committee.  The 8 th NCs Workshop.  The ERFP Newsletters.  Others actions and programmes.  Sources of information on breeds. Help to national databases.  Study of similar breeds in different countries..  Common cryoconservation programmes..  Course training in animal diversity conservation and utilisation..

Budapest /08/2001 Proposals for Training Course. 3  Distribution of breed resources.  Basic genetics and data management.  Present approaches for conservation.  Objectives and costs of conservation and valorisation.  Conservation strategies and objectives.  Countries examples. Animal diversity conservation and utilisation.

Budapest /08/2001 I thank you for your attention.