Margaret Ann Murphy, Dave Malicke Open.Michigan Initiative University of Michigan Medical School May 14, Glacier Hills Download slides: Except where otherwise noted, this work is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, Copyright 2014 The Regents of the University of Michigan. Initiative Description Initiative Goals Initiative Engagement 1
Image CC:BY Sherrie Thai (Flickr)Flickr circulate new ideas develop new skills foster collaboration and innovation 3
Any educational resources that are: 1.Free to access 1.Publicly available 2.Shared under some licenses to use, adapt, redistribute Open Educational Resources (OER) 4
The mission is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through leadership in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future. 5
Office of Enabling Technologies Medical School Information Services University of Michigan Medical School Our Home 6
The mission of the African Health Open Educational Resources (OER) Network is to advance health education in Africa by creating and promoting free, openly licensed teaching materials created by Africans to share knowledge, address curriculum gaps, and support health education communities. 7
“Open.Michigan enables University of Michigan faculty, students, staff and others to share their educational resources and research with the world.” 8
1 2 culture of sharing comprehensive public access 9
Facilitate OER Production Affordability (low/no cost) Ease of Reuse History 373: History of the American West Michael Witgen CC: BY-SA 11
Facilitate OER Production Affordability (low/no cost) Ease of Reuse m STATS 250: Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Brenda Gunderson CC: BY-NC-SA And on Amazon print-on-demand 12
Help request statistics class 13
Help request Native American History 14
CC: BY-NC Michael Hortsch Expand and Improve OER offerings Quality Innovation New distribution channels 15
Expand and Improve OER offerings Participatory Learning Skills-based Collaboration 16
Participation 1OOO + subscribers to quarterly newsletter for African Partnerships 400+ contributors, 76 UMMS faculty 21 U-M units 500+ mailing list members Nearly 2000 twitter followers 17
Collection videos 200+ courses & resources 47.5K unique page views per month 18 U-M colleges & schools ~4 million YouTube views
Audience Overview 19
For more info, contact: Website: Facebook: Download these slides This presentation builds upon slides and discussions with other Open.Michigan team members, including: Kathleen Omollo, Emily Puckett Rodgers, Pieter Kleymeer, Garin Fons, Greg Grossmeier, Susan Topol, Dave Malicke, Ted Hanss, and Erik Hofer. Presentation by Margaret Ann Murphy, Dave Malicke. Copyright 2014 The Regents of the University of Michigan. Except where otherwise noted, this work is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Closing