SSLC Staff Forum - 26 November 2014
Programme Introduction Programme Course Rep System - Changes - Role Descriptions Course Rep Elections - Reps in post - Reps trained Issues: - Nominations - Available positions - Matching students and course - Joint Honours - Outsourced data entry issues - Individual student issues Course Rep Training - Slides - Handbook SSLC Best Practice - SSLC Web Pages - Staff Handbook - SSLC Staff Newsletter - Staff Contacts - Number of Reps/positions - Guidance - Agendas - Minutes Benchmarking our Course Rep System
Course Rep System From Course Reps are elected for the duration of their course unless: They resign They miss two meetings in a row and are therefore considered to have resigned Their course mates call for an election Why? Continuity - most Reps already in place at beginning of year Allows concentration on electing first years and PGT/R Senior Reps - students trained to Chair SSLCs School Reps - one per SSLC to better liaise with Faculty Reps
Reps in Post & Reps Trained
FacultyTotal Possible RepsReps in PostPercentage in PostReps Trained Percentage in Post Trained HSS %8556% SE %5168% SMD %1334% Total %14956%
FacultyTotal Possible RepsReps in PostPercentage in PostReps Trained Percentage in Post Trained HSS %8574% SE %5963% SMD % 11 of 12 in Post (1 st, 2 nd & Intercalating) n/a (20 1 st, 2 nd & Intercalating) (12 1st, 2nd & Intercalating) 55%92% Total %15564%
Course Rep Resources
SSLC Web Pages
SSLC Newsletter
Benchmarking Course Rep System