Cultural Diversity in German speaking countries: German Beliefs, View, and Norms Stefanie Mitchell
German Wedding During the engagement period both the bride and groom wear a ring on their left hand. After the wedding they wear the wedding ring on their right hand. Usually the rings are gold with no diamonds. Brides often carry salt and bread as an omen for good harvests and the groom carries grain for wealth and good fortune. The Bride wears a white wedding dress. Accessories included may be a Diadem (Tiara), a little draw string purse and gloves. The custom is for the bride to dress at her home or her parent's home and then drive to the ceremony.
German Wedding
Religion in Germany The religion of Germany was Roman Catholicism before the religious revolution begun by Martin Luther. Later on Protestantism rose to be the major religion of Germany. During the Thirty Year’s War, Catholicism prevailed in the Southern and Western areas. The East Germany regions and some northern states were predominantly Protestants. There are about 3 million Muslims from various countries, mostly Turkish, living in Germany. All religions are guaranteed freedom to practice their faith by law. You must pay a church tax if belong to a church.
Religion in Germany Cologne Cathedral
German Norms Germans never make eye contact while walking on the street or using the subway. Germans are very proud to be German When you go into a shop, it is customary to address the shopkeeper. When you are first introduced to someone in Germany, you are expected to shake everyone’s hand. If you invite a friend to go somewhere with you in Germany, it is customary for you to pay for yourself and your friend.
German Norms
Questions: What do German wedding rings look like? A) Simple wedding bands normally with no diamonds B) Expensive looking rings C) Rings are large and covered in diamonds D) German couples don’t wear rings What do you do when you meet someone in Germany? A) Stand awkwardly B) Shake their Hand C) Bear Hug D) Ignore them
Answers A) Simple wedding bands normally with no diamonds B) Shake their hand
Works Cited Bride Picture: wedding-dresses-1.jpg wedding-dresses-1.jpg Wedding Information: German Norms: Pictures: tail&id=362A CFE4BA833C FAA7CFBC07&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR, &id=DC8674D86C0087B96DD2509AB248C645A954FDE4&first=30&FORM=IDFRIR, 48&bih=647&tbm=isch&tbnid=znrZ0rDSokIEOM:&imgrefurl= jEzvgqM&w=400&h=300&ei=htleTqyeAs- 9tgeu8eWlCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=696&vpy=356&dur=1221&hovh=194&hovw =259&tx=177&ty=168&sqi=2&page=5&tbnh=139&tbnw=185&start=65&ndsp=15&ve d=1t:429,r:8,s:65, A75FC26641F7CD91FD6AC78629EA&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR tail&id=362A CFE4BA833C FAA7CFBC07&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR &id=DC8674D86C0087B96DD2509AB248C645A954FDE4&first=30&FORM=IDFRIR A75FC26641F7CD91FD6AC78629EA&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR Created by: Stefanie Mitchell