EDT 608 Unit 8 Acceptable Use Policies
EDT 608 Unit 1 AUP and Freedom Scanning the Internet carries a much greater weight of responsibility than simply checking a book out of the media center Sperber (1995) Establish a procedural policy for the use of computers when accessing information: an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy)
EDT 608 Unit 1 AUP “… a written agreement signed by students, their parents and their teachers outlining the terms and conditions of Internet use… rules of online behavior and access privileges” Keeping Students (1995)
EDT 608 Unit 1 Concerns Internet was not designed with children in mind, so education and the Internet community must discuss these issues It is the school’s responsibility to determine “what safety, liability, and above all, educational concerns must be addressed before the schools are ready to tap into the Internet”. Fishman and Pea (1994)
EDT 608 Unit 1 Definition of the Internet It is a fluid environment where the information which will be available to students is constantly changing, making it impossible to predict with certainty what information students might locate. Minnesota Coalition (1994) Educators should not assume that parents know what the Internet is…the educational community must bear the burden of informing parents about the Internet and all of its capabilities, both good and bad.
EDT 608 Unit 1 Netiquette Need to establish rules for interacting with others via the computer. Although the context for learning may be changing, the underlying values should not change. Connolly and Webster (1993) The AUP’s netiquette guidelines should be an extension of the school’s code of behavior with definitions of “unacceptable”.
EDT 608 Unit 1 Ethical Issues Natural extension from netiquette. Netiquette addresses social behavior. Ethics addresses the principles of right and wrong and legal issues.
EDT 608 Unit 1 AUP Issues Copyright Intellectual freedom Viruses Worms Hackers Objectionable material
EDT 608 Unit 1 Access: Privilege, not a Right Equal access to network resources To be safe from harassment To intellectual freedom To privacy in electronic communications and work ( with the understanding that system administrators may spot check)
EDT 608 Unit 1 Legal Issues Property rights Mischief and criminal activity Censorship Security Commercialization Individual tort liability Accommodate First Amendment too
EDT 608 Unit 1 Permission Form Form is viewed as essential. School retains these forms as a legal and binding document Make the AUP user friendly and unambiguous to help parents and students understand its contents: include an appendix with a glossary of terms. Tannenbaum (1993)
EDT 608 Unit 1 Penalties and Repercussions Financial restitution Loss of Internet access Warning letters Legal action All will be incurred for failing to abide by the guidelines set up in the AUP.