Inspire Marine Pilot The Netherlands experience january 2015 Ministery Infrastructure and Environment / Rijkswaterstaat & Information House Marine & Deltares.


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Presentation transcript:

Inspire Marine Pilot The Netherlands experience january 2015 Ministery Infrastructure and Environment / Rijkswaterstaat & Information House Marine & Deltares Kees Borst / Niels Kinneging (I & E /RWS-WVL) Rene van Kapel (I & E /RWS-CIV) Joan Staeb (IHM) Willem Stolte Deltares

Introduction MSFD DK EC MSFD DIKE-WG EEA TG- Data NL JRC D Inspire Marine Pilot European Scope ( 1st round)

DEF IHM EZ I & M Deltares Rijkswaterstaat WVL Inspire Marine Pilot The Netherlands Scope Geo Novum Rijkswaterstaat CIV

Ministery of Infrastructure and Environment* Responsible for Policy Coordination of MSFD – NL Responsible for Coordination of INSPIRE / SDI Rijkswaterstaat ( WVL & CIV)* Coordination of MSFD reporting MSFD data delivery for Rijkswaterstaat Responsible for INSPIRE implementation for Min I&M Information House Marine* Responsible for coordination of MSFD monitoring and data access. Promote Open (Marine) data (semantic standardisation, technical standardisation, establish protocols) Deltares Knowledge experts for MSFD and INSPIRE Partner in “Development of a shared of shared data & Information system for EU and regional convention” for EC/DG-Env/MSFD * In close Cooperation with GeoNOVUM Dutch players in Inspire Marine Pilot

Stakeholders for the Inspire Marine Pilot INSPIRE Marine Pilot 5 27 jan 2015 Min I & M Min EZ Min Def Rijkswaterstaat WVL Policy / Coordination Coordination MSFD Reporting MSFD INSPIRE C C C C Coordination MSFD Monitoring (INSPIRE compliant) Rijkswaterstaat CIV Data Deliv MSFD INSPIRE Implem Deltares Knowl exp. MSFD Knowl exp. INSPIRE Imares INSPIRE Marine Pilot INSPIRE Marine Pilot IHM

Good Environmental Status (Art. 9) (Art. 8) Assessment (Art. 10) Environment al targets 2. Information at each stage needs to link to other parts of marine strategies (Art 11) / 19.3 Monitoring programmes Programme of measures (Art. 13) Exceptions (Art. 14) Competent Authorities (Art. 7) From: David Connor DIKE Sept 2014 MSFD – Overall Goal 1. All other (Reporting) Articles are contributing to the GES 3. Two Articls. deals (most) with INSPIRE ( 11 and 8) INSPIRE MSFD – Coherence of “Reporting Chain”

GES (art. 9) Targets (art. 10) reporting sheets INSPIRE Other data MSFD Information Pyramid XML’s In Future!! Reporting with “Distributed Systems In Future!! Reporting with “Distributed Systems INSPIRE Services Data-sets ( Emodnet-Portals, Copernicus, EuroGOOS Tag’s etc. ) ( WISE-Marine/ Eionet )

IHM portaal Information House Marine* Responsible for coordination of MSFD monitoring and data access. Promote Open (Marine) data (semantic standardisation, technical standardisation, establish protocols) Information House Marine* Responsible for coordination of MSFD monitoring and data access. Promote Open (Marine) data (semantic standardisation, technical standardisation, establish protocols)

Netherlands Experience with WFS-services For 3 years there is a (Rijkswaterstaat/Deltares) Programme for Marine Project Data ( NOT for MSFD!) GOAL: Re – Use of Environmental Monitoring data (such as (Fish, Benthos, Birds, Waterquality, Salinity…)) from LARGE MARINE PROJECTS, using Open-Earth Techniques (OGC’s - WFS etc) Nature Compensation Projects related to harbour extensions Windfarm studies Sand extractions Information House Marine Offerered an OPEN DATA Portal for Viewing, Retrieving and Downloading the WFS-layers

IHM (open data) Portal with WFS-services Backgrounds Nat Geo-Register Europ Projects Large Marine Projects Windfarms Sandmining New Harbours Benthos Fish

IHM portal MSFD DATA Future: Data available as WFS service (AQUO standard (fixed validated MSFD data) Future: Data available as WFS service (AQUO standard (fixed validated MSFD data) INSPIRE Marine Pilot: Showing Capability of RWS to deliver open data available as WFS service (AQUO standard) (1 or 2 MSFD indicators) INSPIRE Marine Pilot: Showing Capability of RWS to deliver open data available as WFS service (AQUO standard) (1 or 2 MSFD indicators) Reportnet / EEA IHM Present: Data upload (AQUO standard) (fixed validated MSFD monitoring data ) Present: Data upload (AQUO standard) (fixed validated MSFD monitoring data ) RWS / Ministry I en MMinistry EZ

1. Semantic Standardisation: NL uses at this moment a national standard (AQUO) which is optimized for WFD. ( includes metadata for location, sample, measurements; more detailed than Inspire ). Well established data model for chemistry & biology (also experiences and mapping with Seadatanet, Emodnet, BODC,Worms etc.) => We would like to have 1 uniform EU semantic standardisation instead of many different standardisations 2. Technical Standardisation: Inspire WFS services (WFS 1.1 and 2.0) AQUO can be delivered and viewed through WFS as shown in previous slides Experience with >1 million biological and chemical measurements from re- use of Environmental Data from “Large Marine projects”; Now implementing this for regular MSFD measurements, starting with the “Demonstration Indicators/Parameters” for the Inspire Marine Pilot” 3. Viewing and retrieving/downloading: If you know the URL you can view the WFS with mapviewer or QGIS EEA can retrieve the NL data this way More userfriendly: use IHM-viewer (or PDOK viewer), Emodnet etc. Dutch lessons learned / like to learn more ….

Tasks (based on scope definition of project) where dutch partners could contribute to 1. Use of INSPIRE legal acts, technical guidance documents, and framework documents; 2. Overview of MSFD implementing measures related to the spatial data requirements and INSPIRE obligations; 3 Overview and quality assessment of already reported MSFD spatial data on Geographical areas to looking at the technical aspects of the datasets and advise on any modifications needed to be compatible with INSPIRE; 4. MS/EEA/EC data flow development regarding the MSFD requirements; 5 Technical support to advise on INSPIRE compatibility regarding the related developments like the information model for the marine environment; 6. Overview of the best practices, experiences and issues of MSDI development, related to the MSFD/INSPIRE application and implementation provided by developers German Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure []; 7. Initial use-case development of the data flow MS to EC/EEA, using already developed MSDI; 8. Developed demonstrator in cooperation with the EEA that uses the MSFD- related data and services in line with INSPIRE; 13 Del - tares Del - tares IHM RWS WVL RWS WVL RWS CIV RWS CIV

9 Main use-case, applying the good practices from initial use-case and development of the required data flow MS/EEA; 10. Overview and identification of reusable results of the project “Development of a shared data and information system between the EU and the Regional Sea Conventions” (first results expected in September 2014); 11. Link to INSPIRE compliant services provided by EMODnet and contribution to Marine Knowledge 2020; 12. Analysis if data and information included in pilot project are reusable for the implementation of other environmental legislation that relates to marine waters; 13. Sub-national data flows and services; 14. Fine-tuning and configuration of re-usable components (e.g. software) to implement the use cases; 15. Training and capacity building; 16. Cost and benefit considerations and Validation of EULF Blueprint focus areas Requirements that will enable Reportnet to use INSPIRE. Use Case mariene data14 9 dec Delt IHM RWS WVL RWS WVL RWS CIV RWS CIV Del - tares Del - tares Tasks (based on scope definition of project) where dutch partners could contribute to +

Conclusions and Recommodations Linking INSPIRE and MSFD directives in joint Project is a good initiative !  It stimulates international harmonisation and cooperation. The Inspire Marine Pilot – not only helps to fullfill the mandatory INSPIRE MSFD requirements – but also acts as a catalyst for the further national implementation of the broader INSPIRE directive 1 uniform and harmonised EU semantic standardisation is needed Start simple to get everyone on board From Co – Operation -  Co - Production Use Case mariene data15 9 dec 2013